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Forums - General Discussion - Marijuana promotes brain cell growth

MySonZaire said:
I'm sure a stoner will come in and explain, in detail, how pot was blacklisted and made illegal, and why this is so stupid for 100 different reasons.

Being an ex-stoner myself, I could, just don't have the energy or ambition to do it anymore.

This post is so damn funny I'm going to friend you in spite of never having read another post of yours

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leo-j said:

Not sure if this has been posted:


A synthetic substance similar to ones found in marijuana stimulates cell growth in regions of the brain associated with anxiety and depression, pointing the way for new treatments for these diseases, according to University of Saskatchewan medical research published today in The Journal of Clinical Investigation.


so um.. why is it illegal



I know i have a bunch of friends who were pothats who are usually pretty depressed and anxious, but whether weed was the cause or effect i can't say.


It sure hasn't helped though, that's for sure.  They've actually gotten much worse since starting.


Honestly, the truth is... we know much less about the brain then you'd think.

Also, for the "Why Marijuana is illegal."

I'm not quite sure. Had something to do with Prohibition....

That failed so those people started focusing on weed.

At the time Drugs were considered an actual constitutionally protected right though.

So they couldn't outright make it illegal.

Instead they made it so that only some people could sell it who had "stamps" for it.

Then they refused to give the stamps out to just about everybody.

And that kept up until people eventually didn't consider it a right anymore.

coolestguyever said:

Go ahead and read this to see why marijuana isn't legal.

Some effects are accelerated heartbeat, memory loss, slows reaction time/concentration, lung damage. Oh and read the part about how marijuana smoke contains more cancer-causing agents then tobacco smoke.

I'm pretty sure cancer, lung damage, accelerated heartbeat (which leads to heart attacks), etc. outweighs some cell growth in the brain.



I am not defending Marijuana because I think it  can turn bright guys into lazy loosers. I just try to explain that the harmful effects of Marijuana is not the reason for prohibition

.Everything you listed exept accelerated heartbeat is only if you smoke marijuhana. You can also take it oraly. So what else would be on your list ? Lung damage=smoking Can cause cancer=smoking. Accelerated Heartbeat WILL be caused if you take caffeine or if you drink energy drings with Taurine. Or Even tea can cause accelareted Heartbeat.


marijuhana can cause Psychosis which is the most harmful factor.  

I list the bad effects of Alcohol just some:

Liver destruction up to Cirrhosis and this can cause even Liver cancer. It can even destroy your liver completly so you need a new one. Alcohol Dehydrates the body. This harms every organ in your body. Especially your kidney. Alcohol makes physically addicting. And the withdraw from Alcohol is the hardest of all substances. The withdrawal symptoms from Alcohol are way harder and stronger then the withdrawal symptoms of Heroine. The advantage from Alcohol is that your body needs a long time to get used to Alcohol. Alcohol withdrawal can Kill you. There are just another group of substances (which are on the market) which can do the same thing. And thats benzodiazepines.  Massiv Alcohol consume can cause osteroposis and damag your bone substance so they can break very easily. Alcohol destroys hundreds of thousends brain cells even if you use it just once. It can kill you because if you drink to much it can cause lung depression so you choke. Just a few diseases which can be caused by alcohol: Epilepsey Enzephalopathy Polyneurits and Psychosis. And there is much more.


this substance is legal but Marijuana not ? So this cant be the reason.To say the harmful effects are the reason is just hypocritical. 


I think that a adult should decide what he is doing with his body. Everybody has the responsibility for his life. So if someone wants to take marijuana or cocaine or whatever he should do it. I wouldnt recommend it. If you are responsible for other lifes for your kids for example or in the traffic. Drugs are a no go.

As long as you dont harm or harass someone with your drugs do whatever you want just dont forget it can be sometimes a ticket to early death or to isolation/jail.


I just looked why they made a Marijuana prohiition. The main cause was that the southern (US) Tobacco companys feared that they will loose marketshare because of marijuana and the Media King in the 1930s William Randolph Hearst feared that he will loose money because of hemp paper which would be a lot cheaper then his paper. And the Chemical company DuPont feared also they would loose money because they produced the artifical Nylon and Ryon. But hemp was even cheaper then this. And after the USA allowed alcohol again in 1933 the man behind the prohibition of alcohol had now a giant army of people which secured the alcohol prohibiton but they would be useless after alcohol was legal again. So he made a Hemp Prohibition so the people could keep their jobs. And the USA made most other UN countrys sign the contract fo the prohibiton. Thats the story behind it. 


Marijuana should be legal. It's a naturally growing plant, so why make it illegal? Just use to your own avail. Smoking cigarettes is more unhealthy...

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tedsteriscool said:
Marijuana should be legal. It's a naturally growing plant, so why make it illegal? Just use to your own avail. Smoking cigarettes is more unhealthy...

While i think it should be legal... the fact that it's a naturally growing plant is one of the stupidest arguemetns there is for that.

There are tons of things that are natural yet will kill you.

Poison Dart frog venom for example.  Their are other plants that will kill you if you'd eat too.

Morphine grows too in a Plant. Papaver Somniferum also known as poppy seeds. Cocaine is also a natural product it is an alkaloid from the Coca plant.

Kasz216 said:
tedsteriscool said:
Marijuana should be legal. It's a naturally growing plant, so why make it illegal? Just use to your own avail. Smoking cigarettes is more unhealthy...

While i think it should be legal... the fact that it's a naturally growing plant is one of the stupidest arguemetns there is for that.

There are tons of things that are natural yet will kill you.

Poison Dart frog venom for example.  Their are other plants that will kill you if you'd eat too.

Marijuana has been proven not to kill people. There's a difference between naturally growing unharmful/medicinal plants and those that have the capacity to kill you. (The word I'm looking for is stupidity)


Normal cigarettes = hundreds of additives, many of which are harmful including tar and mixtures of chemicals


Marijuana = All plant baby!

tedsteriscool said:
Kasz216 said:
tedsteriscool said:
Marijuana should be legal. It's a naturally growing plant, so why make it illegal? Just use to your own avail. Smoking cigarettes is more unhealthy...

While i think it should be legal... the fact that it's a naturally growing plant is one of the stupidest arguemetns there is for that.

There are tons of things that are natural yet will kill you.

Poison Dart frog venom for example.  Their are other plants that will kill you if you'd eat too.

Marijuana has been proven not to kill people. There's a difference between naturally growing unharmful/medicinal plants and those that have the capacity to kill you. (The word I'm looking for is stupidity)


Normal cigarettes = hundreds of additives, many of which are harmful including tar and mixtures of chemicals


Marijuana = All plant baby!

You said "It's a naturally grown plant, so why make it illegal."

Because something is a natrually grown plant does not mean it can't be harmful.

You insinuated that because it was natural it couldn't be harmful or deadly.

If the government were to sell it themselves and tax the hell out of it along with other drugs. I see no problem with it, I mean they let out tons of other drugs that are even more harmful just look in the averages person's medicine cabinet and read the side affects.

On the other hand, I do not like the thought on how (some)people become dependant on it. In my experience the people that smoke it do it because they are depressed(or so they claim) they can't handle life so they rely on a mind altering substance to handle the world. I do not like the concept of a group of people reliant on a chemical that they really don't need to survive. If people are dependant on something it makes them easier to control.

PSN ID: KingFate_