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Forums - Sales Discussion - Valkyria Chronicles vs Lost Odyssey

ShadowSoldier said:
Cactus said:
ShadowSoldier said:
perpride said:
@Carl - As far as comparing game quality goes, Metacritic and gamerankings mean absolutley nothing. This is true with practically every game, but even moreso with JRPGs.

I'm going to have to agree with neoraf here and say that the critics dropped the ball on this one...HARD. Lost Oddysey has the production values and gameplay of a AAA game.

I am a person who favors the PS3, but Lost Oddyssey is. Not only the best JRPG, but possibly the best rpg of this gen so far.

A lot of critics felt that it was dated in a lot of aspects. I personally loved the Battle system and ring creation. However the level cap at each dugeon and high random encounter rate, I could have done without. On a technical side, the game is beautiful but it struggles with its framerate way too often to be considered AAA. Also the inclusion of Cooke and Mack could have been left out. I understand they had to bring out a softer side of Kaim, but honestly they were very annoying.

I don't really want to insert myself further into this argument, but I have to say that Lost Odyssey probably had one of the lowest enemy encounter rates out of any JRPG that uses random encounters that I've ever played...

When compared to past JRPGs then yeah. But to the ones of this gen it does

Out of curiosity, can you name a random-encounter JRPG off the top of your head that has a lower encounter rate? I sure can't, but I haven't played them all, so I'm a bit curious.

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VC i think

I think to give opinion about a quality of two game you must have to atleast finish the games. In this case I have finish both games and I got say I love Lost Odyssey a little bit more the VC. I just wish they would do a Trophy patch for VC so I can replay it again to make a second opinion on it. Overall both great games deserve every sale it got. Just wish that the Japanese market was not so bias against M$ to give Lost Odyssey a fair shake.

Carl2291 said:
jarrod said:
Carl2291 said:
ArcticGabe said:
I guess VC is massively over tracking here... along with many games....

I just need to ask...

What makes you say that?

Well, the two reference points we have (VC launch month, VC ltd through Jan 2009) both have VGC overtracking NPD by 20-30%, which is too high a margin to count for Canada/Mexico (where VC was given a "limited" launch anyway).  We need a new NPD ltd leak to make sure though, but it's looking like VGC was overtracking it from day one.

It'd be nice if Sega gave out shipment figures too.  Maybe when VC2 gets closer to release, they might throw sales in a PR if the turnaround's as dramatic as VGC implies?

Or maybe... NPD undertracked...?

Nice one.  If I remember correctly, NPD doesn't try to account for Wal-Mart or Amazon.  I've always found it funny that people try to argue that VG Chartz is bogus by using logic that boils down to, "NPD doesn't account for two of the largest retailers on the planet, so when their numbers aren't as large as places that don't ignore two of the largest retailers on the planet, it means NPD is more accurate."

Mr. sickVisionz said:
Carl2291 said:
jarrod said:
Carl2291 said:
ArcticGabe said:
I guess VC is massively over tracking here... along with many games....

I just need to ask...

What makes you say that?

Well, the two reference points we have (VC launch month, VC ltd through Jan 2009) both have VGC overtracking NPD by 20-30%, which is too high a margin to count for Canada/Mexico (where VC was given a "limited" launch anyway).  We need a new NPD ltd leak to make sure though, but it's looking like VGC was overtracking it from day one.

It'd be nice if Sega gave out shipment figures too.  Maybe when VC2 gets closer to release, they might throw sales in a PR if the turnaround's as dramatic as VGC implies?

Or maybe... NPD undertracked...?

Nice one.  If I remember correctly, NPD doesn't try to account for Wal-Mart or Amazon.  I've always found it funny that people try to argue that VG Chartz is bogus by using logic that boils down to, "NPD doesn't account for two of the largest retailers on the planet, so when their numbers aren't as large as places that don't ignore two of the largest retailers on the planet, it means NPD is more accurate."

No, NPD acounts for them, they just don't get figures directly from them like they do other retailers.  What that means is they use equations to try and estimate what their total sales are just like VG Chartz does.  So, basically the difference is NPD has hard data coupled with some estimations.  VGchartz just has estimations.  

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Demon's Souls is way better and will cross 1 million first, since I can garantee it sold more than VGchartz tracking, since China and Korean version aren't being tracked.

But by the time any game gets to 1million FF13 will have alreadu gone way past it on ps3.

solidpumar said:
Demon's Souls is way better and will cross 1 million first, since I can garantee it sold more than VGchartz tracking, since China and Korean version aren't being tracked.

But by the time any game gets to 1million FF13 will have alreadu gone way past it on ps3.


Yea... I think a lot of PS3 games with "Asian" or "Korean" version are under tracked on VGChartz...Demon's Soul is one of them and the slew of random jRPG too...

I'd have to say VC would likely cross 1-mil again. About what's so lovingly about VC is not because it's storyline but it's art direction, and battle mechanic that broke the limits of a genre that has remained so stale for so long which is SRPG/SLG.

I would not doubt that LO has better music, better character, better story and all that, but it really didn't break a whole new level in the traditional RPG genre... It was just ANOTHER "EPIC AWESOME" RPG ...

coolbeans said:
Probably VC.'s sad though because both deserve much better sales.

You know out of all these 6 pages of threads. This is probably the best thing said. VC and LO are spectacular and genius. I think when I have more time both will get a replay.

Black Women Are The Most Beautiful Women On The Planet.

"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

LO probably had one of the best stories hidden in it... nothing I've seen from a JRPG even comes close to touching the dream sequences... they were masterfully done peices

This is like comparing Advance Wars to Final Fantasy, actually. These games aren't similar at all.

And 360/PS3 fans, I'm going to clue you in on a little secret: Uncharted 1 and Lost Odyssey are just 8/10 games. Their respective console owners just hype them up to piss of the competing userbase.

With that said, Lost Odyssey will sell closer to 1 million than VC.

*goes back to playing VC*