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Forums - General Discussion - What book have you recently read tell us about it

its nice to pick up a book and read through the holidays

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2.Author: Laurie R. King/ Mystery

3. about a young girl who meets the famous detective Sherlock Holmes who has retired and became a beekeeper. the setting is around world war 1, the book is unique, sherlock is told through a girls perspective, the young girl rivals Holme's wit. comm, this is first book i read the was written by a woman and first book i read where the main characther is a teenage girl i find it easy to read and very enjoyable  i rate it 8.5 out of 10 

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Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

It's about a European brother and sister that leave during WWI and migrate to Michigan... and get married. They have children, one of which marries their cousin. One of the cousins' children is born a hermaphrodite (through a rare genetic disorder they both share in remission, being family and all) who was mistakenly mislabeled as a girl and raised as one for the first 15 or so years before "switching" sexes. I won't say any more than that because the book is absolutely fascinating and you have doubts whether it's fiction at times because it feels so real.

9/10 - The first half of the novel is the most interesting as it follows the travels of the brother and sister as they fall in love and get married. I couldn't put the book down.

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The Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb

Its the first in a trilogy called the liveship traders. Its fantasy tale set in the same universe as her previous trilogy "The farseer trilogy". It has multiple protagonists as it follows the story of Althia a girl whose been disinherited from her families ship (which should have been hers), Wintrow a priest whose being unwillingly forced to live on said ship by his father away from his monestary and the pirate captain Kennit who wants to steal the ship.

The ship is the centre of the narrative because its a "liveship", which is a magical ship thats nearly impervious to harm, sentient and faster then any normal ship.

Its very well written, nice and long and an exciting read, but be in it for the long haul as its the first of a trilogy.


Gosh dont more people read on here?

It was great. It's the first chapter in the Narnia franchise (Chronologically speaking).

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Choosing up sides
it's about a boy who is left handed and he was born into a poor religious family, and being left handed is a sin.....APPARENTLY, And he wants to play base ball, which is also a sin...WTF! and he is in love with this girl and she encourages him to play base ball, BLAH BLAH BLAH, at the end his dad dies from the water when he went fishing. yeahhh.......RECOMMENDED!

Brokeback mountain (the original) the 13th page turned me on.


The Jungle by Upton Sinclair

It's Historical, unsure if fiction or nonfiction

Family's horrid conditions in the Industrial Revolution and all the struggles. It's kinda interesting and eye-opening, but not too great overall. 6.5/10

@ FaRmLaNd
post your own book

I dont really read that much but when i do i read "hardy boys"

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