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Forums - Sales Discussion - PS3 SIGNIFICANTLY Outsold Xbox 360 on Black Friday!!!!!

OctaBech said:
Boneitis said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
Boneitis said:
the MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
Boneitis said:
The 360 might have performed better if the bundles weren't so crappy.

The PS3 had strong 1st party titles while the 360 basically had shovelware.

excuses, excuses.


The real reason why PS3 sold more is that it had a 100$ price cut recently and had good ads. 

You PS3 fans are so defensive.

I'm not saying the 360 would have outsold the PS3 with better games, I'm just saying it would have PERFORMED BETTER if it came with GOOD GAMES. It not an excuse and the fact is the PS3 got bundled with better games.

Defensive ? I was not defensive at all.

Fact still remains that most people expected PS3 to be outsold by 360 on BF and it was a poor performance by 360 in 2009 compared to 2008.

And I don't think that the modern warfare bundle along with AC2 and L4D2 is crap.

Truth is you are a defensive 360 fan.

You said "excuses, excuses" because you felt I was attacking the PS3 and that's clear as day. I'm just pointing out they did a much better job bundling the PS3 than the 360.

Also I did not see AC2 or L4D2 bundled. I saw the ads in the paper and I do read gaming news websites. So if those bundles were out there they must have been limited to certain locations. I do know those game were discounted, which I'm sure played a role in the 360 having superior software sales.

Truth is the 360 bundles were mostly lame (there might have been a few out there that had a good game). But every PS3 bundle had high quality games.

Please describe lame and why the PS3 bundles in comparison aren't to be considered as lame. (:

How about this, you go look at the Black Friday ads and find a 360 bundle as appealing as Killzone 2 and inFamous.

Good luck!

Around the Network

@ boneitis: in the end, it sold great, that's all that matters. People can twist and turn it the way they see fit. One could arguably say that X360 would 've sold better if Walmart hadn't done that 100 dollar-gift card two weeks ago.

Why try to diminish one sale or another: it sold, nothing more.

Very impressive PS3 numbers! best console 2009/2010! best games and best hardware! blu ray is awesome too.

the best RPG's are coming 2013 !!!! oh my god, this is perfect for RPG-GAMER = ) Ni No Kuni - 25 january, Time and Eternity, tales of xillia (PS3) and the maybe best game ever: metal gear solid ground zero

Boneitis said:
OctaBech said:
Boneitis said:
MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
Boneitis said:
the MetalGearSolid_4ever said:
Boneitis said:
The 360 might have performed better if the bundles weren't so crappy.

The PS3 had strong 1st party titles while the 360 basically had shovelware.

excuses, excuses.


The real reason why PS3 sold more is that it had a 100$ price cut recently and had good ads. 

You PS3 fans are so defensive.

I'm not saying the 360 would have outsold the PS3 with better games, I'm just saying it would have PERFORMED BETTER if it came with GOOD GAMES. It not an excuse and the fact is the PS3 got bundled with better games.

Defensive ? I was not defensive at all.

Fact still remains that most people expected PS3 to be outsold by 360 on BF and it was a poor performance by 360 in 2009 compared to 2008.

And I don't think that the modern warfare bundle along with AC2 and L4D2 is crap.

Truth is you are a defensive 360 fan.

You said "excuses, excuses" because you felt I was attacking the PS3 and that's clear as day. I'm just pointing out they did a much better job bundling the PS3 than the 360.

Also I did not see AC2 or L4D2 bundled. I saw the ads in the paper and I do read gaming news websites. So if those bundles were out there they must have been limited to certain locations. I do know those game were discounted, which I'm sure played a role in the 360 having superior software sales.

Truth is the 360 bundles were mostly lame (there might have been a few out there that had a good game). But every PS3 bundle had high quality games.

Please describe lame and why the PS3 bundles in comparison aren't to be considered as lame. (:

How about this, you go look at the Black Friday ads and find a 360 bundle as appealing as Killzone 2 and inFamous.

Good luck!

I tried but I must humbly agree, the PS3 library is just that superior(than the best of the newest 360 bundles).

And in honesty, I can't imagine bringing the 360 oldies from the bargain bins into the bundles would have helped.

Still, I had expected the 360's lower entrance price and more games per bundle plus MW2 to give a much different result.

Hmmm... looks like the ps3 is on fire compared to the 360. Interesting that it's the other way around for once!!!

Around the Network

Has Darth's thread titling policy changed? "SIGNIFICANTLY Outsold" seems like you're underselling the PS3, when just about outselling the other consoles in the past was "DOMINATION!".

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Congrats PS3. I suspect it would have sold more if the supplies weren't sold out so early.

MS must be seeing these numbers as a bit of a turn in the tide. I can't honesty say they could not have predicted such, and if they didn't they are idiots. They had to know that a 100mil+ selling console last gen would not be an easy nut to crack, but they have done a commendable job.

Nintendo...what really needs to be said.

"Man is born free but is everywhere in chains" - Rousseau

yay ps3 wins

not that much of a surprise though wen i was shopping that day i witnessed a ps3 sales explosion right in front of my eyes in all the stores i went to it was beautiful

r those estimates for BF only or the whole week?

the new story will be if the ps3 can continue to outsell the 360 in NA for the rest of the year and into next year or was this a BF thing and sales were higher b/c of the good deals

out the the 14 weeks since the slim came out the ps3 only lost to the 360 4 times in NA

thats why we all said wait for a 300$ ps3 we werent just talking out of are asses


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oops double post 


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RageBot said:
atma998 said:
Machina said:
atma998 said:
CGI-Quality said:

US - 400,000


US - 325,000



US - 850,000


US - 800,000

You just forgot to talk about this little detail. LoL

Somebody already beat you to it earlier in the thread and CGI made it pretty clear he didn't forget at all. But you know, it is ok to make a thread about console sales and the PS360 sales battle without the Wii in it...

Well I just wanted to put things into perspective...

No, you don't want to put things into perspective, you only came into this thread to rub in the face of Sony and MS fans that "your" console is superior.

We already know that the Wii dominates this thread, and we know that neither the 360 nor the PS3 are going to match Wii sales, why do you keep going into threads that have nothing to do with the Wii?

Oh sorry I was sure this thread was about Black Friday sales not again another endless PS3 vs X360 sales...