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Forums - PC Discussion - 200,000 PC Gamers Signed Petition Against MW2

this from How not to boycott Modern Warfare 2









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this from How not to boycott Modern Warfare 2

































omg major double posting and messed up lol ... lowers head

you just broke the internets

ChrisIsNotSexy said:
This Petition is a joke,you guys seriously think Infinity Ward/Activision will do anything about it?The game will sell like a monster with or without Dedicated servers.

This isn't just about MW2, the entire future of FPS online gaming on PC could be damaged by IW's attitude.  If you think it's so stupid why come in here and whine about it, I really don't understand why anyone who disagrees with this petition needs to come in here stirring up things.

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slowmo said:
ChrisIsNotSexy said:
This Petition is a joke,you guys seriously think Infinity Ward/Activision will do anything about it?The game will sell like a monster with or without Dedicated servers.

This isn't just about MW2, the entire future of FPS online gaming on PC could be damaged by IW's attitude.  If you think it's so stupid why come in here and whine about it, I really don't understand why anyone who disagrees with this petition needs to come in here stirring up things.

Spot on. Let's hope that the release of L4D2 will further negatively affect the sales of MW2.

Lol! Look how many of those boycotters were all talk and no show!!!!


Instead of everyone asking why these PC gamers are pissed off, shouldn't the real question be.. Why doesn't IW just.. keep dedicated servers in the game?

It's either laziness from the devs, or they simply don't care about PC gamers. Either way, I would say the backlash is warranted.

Or- they want a closed system, ready for pay to play. Which is why, instead of whinging about the boycott, certain short-sighted console owners should join it.