5551 posts since 17/11/08
trashleg on 04 November 2009
axumblade said:
lol no more questions or elaborations from my part. I'm just hoping that there are no other major fights in here (Well, if nen voted trashleg off for old times sake then I wouldn't mind. Since DGC is dead (so he can't vote for falcon) and hatmoza is dead (so he can't vote for nordlead) that's the only grudge that I think is left, even if I think it ended. :P)
yeah it ended, finally. i thought he was gonna hate me forever lol
we're buddies now 
Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.