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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Expectations for the new Megaman game?

For the Megaman Fans,

My guess - New system of Transformation that deals with both generations (Style Change, Noise Change, Doulbsoul, Tribe) - Lan and Geo working together. - Choice of how you want to battle (Battle Network style or Starforce) - To add to that, the Mega Attack system they had in Starforce was tight! Hope they bring that back. - Program Advances and Special attacks Those who still Megaman fans (of any generation) should already know that a Battle Network/Starforce DS game has been announced. Word said that it is a remake of the first Battle Network game, but what new content are we expect from this supposely crossover (be reminded that the battle system hasn't been announced yet)? My guess - New system of Transformation that deals with both generations (Style Change, Noise Change, Doulbsoul, Tribe) - Lan and Geo working together. - Choice of how you want to battle (Battle Network style or Starforce) - To add to that, the Mega Attack system they had in Starforce was tight! Hope they bring that back. - Program Advances and Special attacks