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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Five reasons why Nintendo fans are the worst

The Ghost of RubangB said:
Yeah all the biggest real Nintendo hate comes from Nintendo fans. It's almost impossible to hate Nintendo, until you get in too deep.

this is true. I've owned every Nintendo console and loved them all. All except the wii. Super Smash let me down so badly... but I might be in the market again if Silent Hill, fragile, and mh:tri are any good.

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Mr Khan said:
miz1q2w3e said:

@68soul: nice points, totally agree!

@Mr Khan: what are "vehement anti-Nintendo demagogues", i didn't get your post :/

Being the people who are constantly coming out and saying "Oh, fuck you Nintendo" over every little thing they do. And i mean little things, like with the 4.2 update (before we knew about the bricking, at any rate), these people are like "Nintendo takes homebrew away from us because they hate us" disregarding the fact that it's Nintendo's perogative as platform-holder to shut down potential paths to piracy, or the people who discount every core game Nintendo releases for some reason or other (lol, a DS port for NSMBWii. lol, choo-choo for Spirit Tracks), or the people who bitch and moan after every single goddamn Nintendo Minute at IGN, because Denise Kaigler didn't declare WiFi Connection to be garbage, announce a new title out of the blue, or declare the Wii's holiday lineup to be weak.


We're not talking about people who have legitimate disagreements or problems, there's a dedicated core of so-called Nintendo fans who just seem to enjoy whining about every damn thing Nintendo says or does.


Don't forget, we're on the net... how could you know these people on Go Nintendo or here are "real" Nintendo fans? It can be anybody, they may lie, pretend to be "long-time" Nintendo gamers when actually, they've never even touched a Nintendo console in their life: you'll never know...

Even here on VGC, i could change my whole game collection, pretend i have all the best Xbox/X360 or PS2/PSP/PS3 games, then go the Sony and Microsoft section, and do some "light trolling" whenever i can... but i'm too busy in my life in general, and with my favourite games in particular, to have time to waste on such a foolish activity... i don't even post that often, as you may see: and i was already here when VGC was created...

Of course, i know at least a handful of "real" Nintendo fans on VGC who are the perfect examples of your description: tres is one of the most famous, and we may all agree that he's a "real" fan, and really knows what he's talking about... even if his arguments may be... you know...

Btw, if you want to find a great community of "real" Nintendo fans, Nintendo Life is the place to be... i'm sure you know the site already, but if you don't, just go there, the people are nice and intelligent, and the reviews and articles are well written...



"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."

I agree on most of what is exposed on those 5 points, being a nintendo loyal since I am a gamer. But I don't think Nintendo Fan Boys are the worst. XBOX 360's are. By far.

monlosez said:
Next stop. 5 reasons to hate PC fans.

^^ LOL

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@ miz1q2w3e

Yeah, bro, I just steal your foot. :P

^^ that's alright :)