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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN editor: No worthwhile Wii games have released since 2007.

Here's the thing, even if you say that there is nothing worthwhile on the Wii since SMG, how do you explain the sales of Wii fit, Kart, Brawl, all of which surpassed Galaxy in sales.

Saying that core gamers are better than casual is defeated by the continued success of the Wii in hardware and software sales, clearly the casuals are the better market.

The argument that casuals will leave is silly, its been three years and it hasn't happened, and in fact Sony and MS are trying to chase that market as well with the wand and Natal, of course they don't have the software, but that is a different story.


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

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I must agree not enough quality wii games have come out this year that I enjoy

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megaman.2. said:
I must agree not enough quality wii games have come out this year that I enjoy

Well that's why 2009 sales so far are slower than 2008


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Kantor said:
Reasonable said:
Due to my personal preferences I'd say more titles have come out on PC/PS3/360 than Wii that I'm buying, but equally plenty have released for Wii too that I've bought, too.

Nothing worthwhile since 2007 seems... off. I wonder what kind of titles he was expecting? It's his blog and opinion, so fair enough, but I feel his expectations for the console's library may be part of the issue - but he acknowledges that himself, so again fair enough I suppose.

I do agree that the Wii has proven to be a mixed back for some titles, but then so was PS2 and pretty much any other console, ever.

Look at ICO and Beyond Good & Evil - 2 of the best titles ever released on PS2 IMHO, critical darlings both, and both failed in terms of sales. Mind you, they shouldn't have, get out and buy a copy now.

It's funny you say that, because didn't Ico sell 900k copies? And as we are discussing The Conduit here, will the Conduit ever reach 900,000 copies? Did Ico cost more to develop? I doubt it, it was a launch PS2 game. Therefore, if The Conduit is a success, then Ico is as well, right?

EDIT: It sold 700k. But my point still stands.

ICO sold poorly at first, gained a 'cult' status and then had a re-release during which it sold better (so far as I understand).

My point is that sometimes apparently good titles just fail to see big sales whatever the platform.  People seeing it as a Wii issue that some titles don't seem to take off should realise this happens on all platforms.

I think the Wii has received decent enough titles since 2007, and that anyone (like the blogger) expecting a constant stream of titles like Wii Sports, Mario and Zelda is setting themselves up for disappointment.  Partly this is due to the much more split nature of the market this gen, with a lot of titles hitting PS3/360 and not Wii and vice versa, whereas last gen almost everything, bar the core Nintendo titles and a few MS exclusives hit PS2.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

Avinash_Tyagi said:
megaman.2. said:
I must agree not enough quality wii games have come out this year that I enjoy

Well that's why 2009 sales so far are slower than 2008

I agree hence the decline in hardware sales.

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Around the Network
megaman.2. said:
Avinash_Tyagi said:
megaman.2. said:
I must agree not enough quality wii games have come out this year that I enjoy

Well that's why 2009 sales so far are slower than 2008

I agree hence the decline in hardware sales.

Well that'll change this fall, especially once Mario hits


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

Wow, it is amazing seeing people go mad over someone elses view, I actually agree 100% with the article as do many many people looking at the blogs comments,

If you get all upset just because someone says the wii hasn't had that many good games for a few years then maybe you take life a bit too serious?

FKNetwork said:
Wow, it is amazing seeing people go mad over someone elses view, I actually agree 100% with the article as do many many people looking at the blogs comments,

If you get all upset just because someone says the wii hasn't had that many good games for a few years then maybe you take life a bit too serious?

Problem is that its a weak argument, because sales show that there have been quite a few games since Super Mario galaxy that have been great, even sold more than SMG, now he can have his opinions, but they are minority opinions.


Now if he wants to argue that this years lineup has been weak, then he'd be right, outside sports resort, its been extremely weak, and slowing sales prove it


Predictions:Sales of Wii Fit will surpass the combined sales of the Grand Theft Auto franchiseLifetime sales of Wii will surpass the combined sales of the entire Playstation family of consoles by 12/31/2015 Wii hardware sales will surpass the total hardware sales of the PS2 by 12/31/2010 Wii will have 50% marketshare or more by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  It was a little over 48% only)Wii will surpass 45 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2008 (I was wrong!!  Nintendo Financials showed it fell slightly short of 45 million shipped by end of 2008)Wii will surpass 80 Million in lifetime sales by the end of 2009 (I was wrong!! Wii didn't even get to 70 Million)

"just because someone says the wii hasn't had that many good games for a few years"

That is not true. He didn't just focus on that.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

thats his opinion,hes allowed it

"They will know heghan belongs to the helghast"

"England expects that everyman will do his duty"

"we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender"