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Forums - General Discussion - Death Note Game Thread

well its because we dont know whos what when they get arrested/die so it makes people more cautious

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*does this vvvvvv*

From one of my fave anime X3

I'm just saying that the games are funner if more people talk

i now its funny when more people talk

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You aren't doing yourself any favors.

Unvote: Invisble

dsister44 said:

I was kind of hoping that it would get more people to speak. This thread is kind of dead...

that and freakin we had two lurkers who said nothing for 3 days straight.

zexen_lowe said:
To be honest, I don't wanna vote somebody just as a revenge vote, but Son1x is right, it's likely that one of us two is a Kira, and since I'm not., I think this is pretty justified

Arrest: Scifiboy

First you stay awful quiet so far this game. Even when we knew nothing in 6A you were quite active, and ready to lead the charge into the next list of suspects to kill. Your claim is that you want to be more careful in a dark game. Alternate expanation is you are trying to lay low and are, in fact, a member of the Kira Klan.

That alone is not enough, nor does it explain this post. This post takes too much effort in explaining your actions. You go too far out of your way to try and seem righteous in your voting. This is both extremely unusual for you, and highly suspect. This is exactly what I did last game to stay at th bottom of everyone's suspicions list. Being absolutely certain you can justify it easily and have people look away is key to hiding as a killer.

vote: zexen

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

I like Gnizmo's way of thinking. If you don't participate you get lynched arrested

Oops forgot to vote


I put caps because I am too lazy to bold