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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Scribblenauts Philoshophy

Came to a strange realization last night while playing (and watching the wifey play as well), I was getting stuck on relatively easy boards in the Action side of the game because I was thinking too much like a hero. That is the absolute worse way to try and play this game. Most games you play, you are the "hero" (even most "anti-hero" types fall under this category) with doing some superhuman physical feat or fighting your way to accomplish your goal, essentially platforming-syndrome. Where as I was constantly trying to get Sackwell Maxwell to leap up to places, use ladders, trampolines, rocket packs, hit things, all that kind of stuff, where as I should have been thinking like a supervillian.

You know the Lex Luthor/Dr. Horrible type, can't compete physically with these things (like bears, cops, sharks, etc), but always making some f--ed up gadget to get the job done. For example, when faced with a tornado do you try to leap/fly over it, or do you create a black hole? Do you try to fight the cops with weapons/contraptions or do you just use a Freeze Ray or throw an octopus at them? After coming to this realization (now most players probably already did, I am a bit slow on the uptake at times) the game became infinitly more fun. A lot of the problems controlling Sackwell Maxwell go away because you don't control him as much you just control everything else.

Just thought I share this because it turned a frustraing game into a quite enjoyable one.