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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 Version Of FFXIII Downgraded Due To 360

Ssliasil said:
well i cant find it (granted i didnt check IGn where i think the interview was...or wsa it G4?) But its there, somewhere...still looking.

I'm off to play valkyria, sorry can't stick around to wait.  I'll follow-up on this thread tomorrow, and will gladly acknowledge if you have a stronger argument.

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Part one and 2, theres your credible source.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

This always brings a tear to my eye..
Meh I guess just buy the version you think is better at this point, I know which one I'll get


NO TRios! ey!...EY!!!!...

I have my links man...


...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

Figures bail on a good discus...argu...debate when i get my conclusive evidence...!

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

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dbot said:
I really wish this wasn't posted. Nothing good can come of this. Please note, this is not the view of all PS3 fans or even a majority.

THank you, at least we know there's still some PS3 fans out there that doesn't morph into trolls at the first sign of the tide turning.

By the way, with the voice acting, I'm fairly certain that most final fantasy's uptil now haven't (I can't think of one that has) included the Japanese language track on the english version. It's not as if square-enix is a company that listens to what it's players wants (no joke here), so just because FFXIII doesn't have it, doesn't mean it's the 360's dvds fault. Unless of course FFXIII VS has that available (I'm not sure if it does or it doesn't).


Are you serious?I see they added some shader effects. From a graphical standpoint the second screen is an UPGRADE. The first screen looks much more fake and doll-like. The second screen looks realistic with what seems to be blurring effects. They both look very similar in the end though. Definitely something not to gripe about even if it was a downgrade.

Oh and btw, games usually start to look worst when they get farther in development. Even if FFXIII wasn't on 360 I could guarantee a downgrade. Reason? Hype. They make it look the best they can to hype it, and once they get it, they lower the quality at the smallest amounts to improve performance. What would you rather a more pretty game, or a more fluid one?

sc94597 Look closer...The Hair, The clothing...are completely missing Textures and loko at the road, its completely different.

...uhh...ill just put my favorite quote of all time here.

"Welcome to Pain, the second of three...You have dealt the deal with me!!"

ZenfoldorVGI said:
rafichamp said:
@cactus, having the game on multiple disks DOES reduce roaming in the game, r u crazy?

What the hell is this? You are speculating, and calling someone else crazy for not absolutely buying your ignorant bullshittish logic?

You don't know what you're talking about, do you?



Leave it to Zenfolder to bring the common sense..



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