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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Official Pro Wrestling Thread

Kasz216 said:
Imphamis said:
Another thing from Smackdown that shocked me was Big Show becoming number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.........I was really going for Christian. Perhaps though this is helping Swagger. He will most likely defend his title against Show at Over The Limit. It will help build him some more as a champion. I'm sure he might even feud with Kofi Kingston afterwards, but ultimately Christian in the end will take that world title from him.

I can only hope the plan is Jack Swagger gets a clean win over Bigshow.  I mean, he's not that popular but he is BIG.  A regular cheating victory won't really help because nobody cares about the Big show... if he shows he's got the skills to cleanly take the big man down though...

I think swagger has done some solid work so far and I LOVE that he's going to work a program with show. Hopefully they go two ppvs with one DQ/dirty win and one clean win for swagger. I also think tide over feuds with MVP and maybe mysterio would help him out.


Also, I was surprised no one has brought this up yet. Bubba the love sponge was fired from TNA about a week ago. He had some not so nice things to say about awesome kong in a live radio interview. Since then he's bashed nearly everyone and everything in TNA.

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Bubba got fired? Awesome!!! And TNA going back to to Thursday is awesome news. I couldn't watch both and I think TNA was really stepping up their game. No need to compete head to head with the WWE. It was exciting but all it really did was divide the fanbase. I'm more than happy having three wrestling nights a week.

Hm.........Every day of the week has a wrestling program except Wednesday. I highly doubt WWE will put a program on Wednesday anytime soon since NXT just came. TNA in a couple of more years if they are actually still alive, can possibly fill the Wednesday spot with a one hour program. I wonder...........can anyone deal with a week of pro wrestling?


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

It looks like these next two episodes of RAW will be my last for a while. The Hitman is leaving the building.

Imphamis said:
Hm.........Every day of the week has a wrestling program except Wednesday. I highly doubt WWE will put a program on Wednesday anytime soon since NXT just came. TNA in a couple of more years if they are actually still alive, can possibly fill the Wednesday spot with a one hour program. I wonder...........can anyone deal with a week of pro wrestling?

Back in the heyday, it was:

Monday Night: RAW and WCW Nitro

Tuesday Night: ECW

Wednesday Morning (12am): I can't remember.  It was a replay of something.

Thursday Night:  WCW Thunder/Smackdown

Friday Night: Smackdown (day changed)

Saturday Night: WWF Velocity/ WWF Jacked/ WWF Metal/ There was some WWF behind the scenes show, too.  I think it was called Exposed or something.

Sunday Night: Heat


I was loving life back then!!

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Yeah, wouldn't an even/odd schedule be great with mon/wed/fri for wwe and tues/thurs for tna? then sat could be used for dvr catch up day and sun for ppvs.

I can't believe that 3 rookies got eliminated from NXT yesterday. Daniel Bryan and Michael Tarver both eliminated themselves off the show when they said "I should be eliminated from NXT" last week. Skip Sheffield got eliminated by the Pros Poll. I'm not surprised that Wade Barrett is ranked 1 now,but, David Otunga is ranked 2, wtf? I think bigger wrestlers got an advantage over smaller wrestlers in my opinion.

Here are the NXT rankings:
1. Wade Barrett
2. David Otunga
3. Justin Gabriel
4. Heath Slater
5. Darren Young


@ D21 Lewis you forgot some WCW shows.
Saturday- WCW Power Hour in the mornings. WCW Saturday Main Event.
Sunday - WCW Mainevent.
These shows ran during the Nitro days even though they started long before and stopped when Thunder started.
About NXT. I liked Daniel Bryan 's promo at the end but it is confusing that they got rid of him and used his real name.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.


Yeah, I'm glad danielson is off nxt. Unlike most people though, I'm happy with the way wwe has handled him. As a small guy and as an indie guy, he got a lot of spotlight on nxt where he could work wwe length tv matches (typically under 10 minutes) and cut wwe style promos without the pressure of raw/smackdown. wwe is also looking to basically nullify his losses by having him leave daniel bryan and come back as the all powerful bryan danielson.

I was surprised at Daniel getting eliminated. Otunga or Wade will win IMO.

Raw was also good, all those announcements Edge made really had me excited, but those changes didn't last very long. Poor Vickie. Just when I thought this guest host crap was going to end...........and when Edge said her name, the arena filled with vicious boos. Her heat still isn't dead.

Hawkins finally returned to WWE on Superstars.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"