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^^That was brutal! Is he okay?

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d21lewis said:
^^That was brutal! Is he okay?



I have a strange feeling abyss is going to take Ric Flairs ring and it's going to somehow destablize him as the conflicting Hogan and Flair energies mess things up.


Sounds stupid... but that's what i feel is going to happen.

d21lewis said:
^^That was brutal! Is he okay?

Yeah, the match went on for a couple of minutes after that. After the match, Angle announced he was going to take a break. He deserves a break; he's been working non-stop ever since he came to TNA.

All the endings to the matches of Lockdown were awkward to me. Not saying the matches themselves were bad., new TNA World Heavyweight Champion. That Impact really did left an "impact" on me.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Impact vs Raw this week:

Impact was the better show.... but it was some very reckless booking. Don't get me wrong, three very good, ppv quality matches and we got to see them for free.

AJ vs RVD? RVD vs Hardy? Dream matches. Big draw matches. That's like the WWE giving away Rock/Austin and HHH/Austin in the same night. And it was a glaringly obvious that TNA needed the night to be big. But now you just gave away two of your biggest matches and you gotta follow that up. It's going to be tough. Still, they got a 1.0 rating which isn't big, but it's a step in the right direction after a tough few weeks.

RAW was.... rough. Swagger/Taker was fun but then.... not a whole lot. I give them a pass though, chalk it up as an act of god.

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Impact was better this week because RVD's title win came out of nowhere. RAW just couldn't deliver because of the missing RAW stars.


They just released Shelton Benjamin and Mickie James... D21lewis is not going to be happy.... a few other people too.

She was released because of her "weight problems" and desire to do a singing career.

Shelton was released because he had "no personality", so they never made him a main eventer. Well Jeff Hardy didn't..............and they gave that piece of crap the world title, 3 times. Shelton was there for like 10 years............*sigh*

I'm still confused about WWE thinking Mickie James is fat...............because she is NOT fat. A body like that is what they describe fat? Do they know how many guys would do Mickie James with no questions asked?


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Kasz216 said:
They just released Shelton Benjamin and Mickie James... D21lewis is not going to be happy.... a few other people too.

Stage 1:  Denial.

Quit fooling around, man.  The WWE wouldn't do that to me.  This must be some kind of April fools joke.  You really had me going there for a minute, Kasz!!  Lol!  You are such a kidder!! 

Stage 2:  Grief