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I hope the Draft is good this year.


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amp316 said:
Kasz216 said:
amp316 said:
So both Edge and Jericho were screwed so Cena could get a title shot? Way to go WWE. A Swagger and Cena feud would be much more exciting than one with Jericho and Edge. *shakes head*

TNA had the better show on Monday but that compny has some serious issues. I bet if they concentrated on making an awesome two hour wrestling show (one that's just wrestling) and dropped some of Vince Russo's storylines then I bet that the ratings would increase. Don't get me wrong, he worked wonders with WWF and you can see certain things that he's done right, see the Pope, but someone needs to tell him that things like having people lose belts without actually losing is garbage and that they really need to end that Abyssamania crap right now. Also Team Hogan vs. Team Flair is extremely weak. Let wrestlers like Desmond Wolfe develop without having to be involved in a group.

I kinda lile Ayssamania, if only because Abyss was lame before Hogan got there.  His character really took a turn for a worse.  At least he's kind of entertaining now... and kinda protrays him as "Lethal when he focuses."  I can't imagine he'll be "abysamania" for too much longer.


IMO they really need to drop the entire wannabe Mankind thing that he has going on.  The first time that people see him they look at him as a ripoff.  He's a pretty good wrestler for a big man, but they use him in all the wrong ways.   

Oh yeah, at least... Hogan personality is better then Mick foley personality.  I think that's where they are going with this though... he'll go from hogan personality back to monster.

Did anyone see how much Extreme Rules cost is? It's $44.95 for a ppv, wtf? I haven't bought a ppv since WrestleMania 25 and I won't be buying any for a long while.


$44.95? That's terrible. I remember when Wrestlemania ppvs during the Attitude Era were only $29.95. Those were the good old days. Unless they drop the prices of ppvs, I won't be paying for any ppvs anytime soon. The last ppv I bought was Wrestlemania 24 in 2008. I pretty sure that will be the last ppv I ever buy.


I don't know much of what's going to happen at the Draft, but I'm predicting Edge moving back to Raw.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

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That Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship was fantastic. I figured Swagger was going to pull out the win from a Spear on Jericho though.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

I really enjoyed the match between Dolph Ziggler and R-Truth. The only problem I had with the match was it was too short. Those two wrestlers have great in ring ability and can put on some great matches. I just really wish WWE would show more support towards the midcard wrestlers by making their matches longer and giving them good promos leading up to their ppv matches. Mid card wrestlers like John Morrison,R-Truth, Dolph Ziggler, and Shad had great in ring ability and deserve to have longer matches. I also have a problem with the way they defend titles. I remember when there was time when WWE didn't wait for PPVs to have title matches. Titles used to be defended every other week on RAW or Smackdown. For example, look at Michelle McCool whose had the title since the Rumble has never defended it or how the minute Drew Mcyintire won the intercontinental title, he never defends. Those titles are not meant to be held like some bag or something. They are meant to be defended not just during a ppv but on tv shows. Step Your Game Up WWE!!!

Lastly, they claim that they're a "family-friendly product". The next ppv is called Extreme Rules for God's sake! Extreme Rules is not exactly "family friendly"
I mean, this is wrestling! People want to see blood, action, wrestlers beating the hell out of each other. The fans want to see Ruthless AGGRESSION! They don't only want to see the divas in bikinis, they want to see them beating each other up like the men do.
For God's sake WWE, show some RUTHLESS AGRESSION!


Kasz216 said:
Also, as far as Edge and Jericho...

The next Pay Per view is Fatal Fourway right?

God i hope not ALL of the matches are fatal fourways... good luck finding enough 4 enemy angles.

What is up with WWE and gimmick/specialty PPVs? We just had the Hell-in-the-cell, TLC, & Eliminination Chamber PPVs, and now Fatal Four way and Extreme Rules are coming up. It's great for those who enjoy those type of matches, but it's kind of an overkill.

I'm still on the fence on Lockdown. Half of the matches were randomly thrown on the card or poorly hyped. Only the main event had a proper build.

Mirson said:
Kasz216 said:
Also, as far as Edge and Jericho...

The next Pay Per view is Fatal Fourway right?

God i hope not ALL of the matches are fatal fourways... good luck finding enough 4 enemy angles.

What is up with WWE and gimmick/specialty PPVs? We just had the Hell-in-the-cell, TLC, & Eliminination Chamber PPVs, and now Fatal Four way and Extreme Rules are coming up. It's great for those who enjoy those type of matches, but it's kind of an overkill.

I'm still on the fence on Lockdown. Half of the matches were randomly thrown on the card or poorly hyped. Only the main event had a proper build.

Yeah, I don't know... Gimmick PPV's are kinda stupid.  A Ladder match is good... a card of nothing but Ladder matches?  Come on? Etc.

The only "gimmic" paperview that worked in my mind was Survivor Series... and even that usually had a main event title match.

Also, as for Edge going to Raw... I'm not sure why... I mean. Maybe it's because I don't catch Smackdown often... but isn't Edge the closest thing Smackdown has to a big Face at the moment? Even if they move Orton over and try to push him as a Face... you have Randy Orton and then.... Rey Mysterio? John Morrison... maybe? Smackdown feels slim on faces.