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i think ted ending it would be just as bad if not worse than cena

at least cena has a resume

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

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"Calaway made his official on-camera debut on November 22, 1990 at Survivor Series as a heel when he was the mystery partner of Ted DiBiase's Million Dollar team, where he was simply called The Undertaker. Approximately one minute into the match, The Undertaker eliminated Koko B. Ware with his finisher, the Tombstone Piledriver. He also eliminated Dusty Rhodes before being counted out."

It would be ironic having Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Jr. putting Taker away some day. You know how they say you can't bite the hand that feeds you, or live by the sword, die by the sword? I don't know what those have to do with Taker's retirement, but something of the sort must apply in this case. The children of those he wronged in the past will be his downfall, like Macbeth!

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
Hmm, Undertaker finally losing the streak?
I couldn't imagine him losing to anybody else but Shawn Michaels. Maybe Stone Cold or The Rock returning (has he ever faced them at Mania before?) and ending his streak would suffice but they are gone. No one in the business is worthy enough to do it....unless Maven comes back hahaha

Cena beating Taker would be horrible, but interesting. Remember, the 2nd person he ever faced upon his debut was the Undertaker, and he pissed on his grave. The Undertaker said, "You've been here 2 weeks kid, I've been here 12 years...stay outta my way." Cena, being a star in his own right, could put the legend away......but the wrestling world will explode if he does.

I hope Undertaker wins and remains undefeated. Its time for HBK to retire. He's been wrestling for 22 years. Its time for him to hang up his boots.

Anyways, it appears that WWE is keeping the Survivor Series ppv.


I hope taker wins, if anyone beats him it needs to be a younger guy that gets a torch passed to them.

Wow, is Randy Orton a Babyface? After what I just witnessed on Raw.............Getting jumped by Legacy, Crowd booing, He fights them off, Crowd cheering, the WWE will not ignore that.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

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John Cena and Batista.......................actually had an amazing confrontation segment, IMO anyway.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Gotta say, when Hart goes after Wrestlemania, I'm going with him. Way too much boring Cena talk, and not enough wrestling. I guess I haven't missed much while I've been away.

Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania 26 is officially confirmed.................oh boy. I never thought I would say VINCE needs to carry Bret Hart throughout the match, and he eventually taps out to Bret's Sharpshooter.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

I predict Randy Orton vs Ted Dibiase, Wrestlemania 26.

Ted is remaining heel while Orton turns babyface/tweener.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Snake612 said:
SaviorX said:
Hmm, Undertaker finally losing the streak?
I couldn't imagine him losing to anybody else but Shawn Michaels. Maybe Stone Cold or The Rock returning (has he ever faced them at Mania before?) and ending his streak would suffice but they are gone. No one in the business is worthy enough to do it....unless Maven comes back hahaha

Cena beating Taker would be horrible, but interesting. Remember, the 2nd person he ever faced upon his debut was the Undertaker, and he pissed on his grave. The Undertaker said, "You've been here 2 weeks kid, I've been here 12 years...stay outta my way." Cena, being a star in his own right, could put the legend away......but the wrestling world will explode if he does.

I hope Undertaker wins and remains undefeated. Its time for HBK to retire. He's been wrestling for 22 years. Its time for him to hang up his boots.

Anyways, it appears that WWE is keeping the Survivor Series ppv.

I don't know exactly how long Taker has been in the WWE but I remember him wrestling WHEN I WAS A KID!  He doesn't wrestle that often (even as a champion, he'd only make his presense felt, but never wrestle) and it would make more sense for him to retire.  But Michaels career is the one that's on the line.

After seeing HHH planning HBK's celebration after Wrestlemania, I got the vibe that HBK is out the door in four weeks.  I hope I'm wrong, though.