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maybe but the women and children would shield him

its too bad about him, i liked him back in the day for a half sec when he was on smackdown beefin with JBL

but on raw, thats kind of when i learned to love edge, and hate him

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

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If there is anyone I dislike more than Cena, it's Hornswoggle. I usually call him "Pornswoggle", especially after his segments with Melina back in 2007.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     


my most hated is easily hbk

just hate the guy

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Hmm, Undertaker finally losing the streak?
I couldn't imagine him losing to anybody else but Shawn Michaels. Maybe Stone Cold or The Rock returning (has he ever faced them at Mania before?) and ending his streak would suffice but they are gone. No one in the business is worthy enough to do it....unless Maven comes back hahaha

Cena beating Taker would be horrible, but interesting. Remember, the 2nd person he ever faced upon his debut was the Undertaker, and he pissed on his grave. The Undertaker said, "You've been here 2 weeks kid, I've been here 12 years...stay outta my way." Cena, being a star in his own right, could put the legend away......but the wrestling world will explode if he does.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I also have Ted Dibiase in mind of ending the streak.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

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only if its the million dollar man

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Most likely the cause will be the million dollar man, for his son.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

I hate to say it, but.......I kinda like Cena. But he's a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way from being Taker worthy.

ted jr is a LONG way from taker


i meant MDM could do it in a comeback

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Everybody has a price! Including dead walking wrestling zombies. Ted JR will only end the streak if his father is a huge assist. Cena will only end the streak once the WWE has completely lost their mind.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"