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not sure it has to tbh

if he ONLY wrestled mania and did a bit of a build every year with druids ligths go out etc, he could prolly do another 10 matches at mania

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

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d21lewis said:
I think the Taker's streak HAS to end. It won't be matched. It's already legendary. But he can't leave the WWE undefeated. It's an unwritten rule of Wrestling. Before you go, you gotta do "the job". That's part of the reason why Bret got screwed back in 1997. He was going to WCW but he didn't want to do the job. Nobody leaves on top unless they leave unexpectedly. HBK has lost at Wrestlemania tons of times. I know Taker isn't the world champion but his "Streak" is arguably bigger than any championship. Unless he dies, he's gotta lose. Now is as good a time as any.

What good does havng HBK beat Undertaker?  He already has a legendary career... and they both probably only have 2-3 more years in them.

Imagine he beats HBK this year, then next year he loses to someone like Jack Swagger, Drew McIntire... whatever.

That's instant credibility.  You could be a main eventer for a year just based on the guy who beat Undertaker... no matter who you were and give a new wrestler a real shot to establish yourself as a fixture to come.

What i'd like to see is a sudden return to face for shawn michaels at wrestlemania... he's wrestling with taker... then suddenly the undertaker gets taken out by a foreign object by somone with a beef with undertaker... and shawn michaels just stands there... really conflicted, because it's what he wanted so badly... yet it's not the way he wanted it.

Then just end the match with him waking into the back to a count out loss.


that idea is amazing, youre like a new paul heyman :)

im serious btw, amazing idea

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Kasz216 said:
d21lewis said:
I think the Taker's streak HAS to end. It won't be matched. It's already legendary. But he can't leave the WWE undefeated. It's an unwritten rule of Wrestling. Before you go, you gotta do "the job". That's part of the reason why Bret got screwed back in 1997. He was going to WCW but he didn't want to do the job. Nobody leaves on top unless they leave unexpectedly. HBK has lost at Wrestlemania tons of times. I know Taker isn't the world champion but his "Streak" is arguably bigger than any championship. Unless he dies, he's gotta lose. Now is as good a time as any.

What good does havng HBK beat Undertaker?  He already has a legendary career... and they both probably only have 2-3 more years in them.

Imagine he beats HBK this year, then next year he loses to someone like Jack Swagger, Drew McIntire... whatever.

That's instant credibility.  You could be a main eventer for a year just based on the guy who beat Undertaker... no matter who you were and give a new wrestler a real shot to establish yourself as a fixture to come.

What i'd like to see is a sudden return to face for shawn michaels at wrestlemania... he's wrestling with taker... then suddenly the undertaker gets taken out by a foreign object by somone with a beef with undertaker... and shawn michaels just stands there... really conflicted, because it's what he wanted so badly... yet it's not the way he wanted it.

Then just end the match with him waking into the back to a count out loss.

But what if that new guy that beats Taker turns out to be another Billy Gunn or Ken Kennedy?  What if they are given a legendary push and they aren't around for a long time?  Whoever takes out the Taker has to be the greatest wrestler of all time.  They have to be Hall of Fame material.  I like your idea, though.  It would make for a compelling match.  And who's to say Michaels isn't the one who has to "do the job"? 

Still, nobody goes out on top.  Not Hogan.  Not Flair.  The Rock, Austin, Hart, Lesnar, etc.  you name 'em.  They did the job.  Either way, I'm taking the night off from work and ordering Wrestlemania based on this match, alone!!

i met billy gunn once

i was amazed in a) how cheap of a hotel i bumped into him in, b) how small of a town i bumped into him in, and c) how unbelievably small he is

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Around the Network
Pyramid Head said:
i met billy gunn once

i was amazed in a) how cheap of a hotel i bumped into him in, b) how small of a town i bumped into him in, and c) how unbelievably small he is

You met the man who touched the Beautiful People!?  And I'm replying to you!?  Greatest moment of my life!!!

If Shawn doesn't end the streak, Mcintyre is my next guess, in all seriousness. Him and Sheamus have been given major pushes in their career just because they are "friends" of Triple H and Shawn Michaels. Hunter mostly with Sheamus and Shawn mostly with Mcintyre. If Shawn doesn't end it, Mcintyre will then have the better chance, at least for now since he is on Smackdown. Sheamus can even do it, but the one who does this "job" doesn't have to be an elder or experienced wrestler. The WWE might just shock the world with an extremely young inexperienced one. That is IF Shawn does not end the streak. What if Cena actually ends the streak? The world will be in engulfed into an infinite riot.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     


it was in a place called kirkland lake, which has maybe 500 people in it.

he was at the hotel with rhino and a bunch of hot girls

rhino was much more imposing

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

also as far as ending the streak . . .

i think it would be amazing if hornswoggle ended it.

it would be the unquestioned low point of the wrestling industry.

it sounds stupid, but thats why theyd do it.

but yeh the IWC would explode

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

d21lewis said:
Kasz216 said:
d21lewis said:
I think the Taker's streak HAS to end. It won't be matched. It's already legendary. But he can't leave the WWE undefeated. It's an unwritten rule of Wrestling. Before you go, you gotta do "the job". That's part of the reason why Bret got screwed back in 1997. He was going to WCW but he didn't want to do the job. Nobody leaves on top unless they leave unexpectedly. HBK has lost at Wrestlemania tons of times. I know Taker isn't the world champion but his "Streak" is arguably bigger than any championship. Unless he dies, he's gotta lose. Now is as good a time as any.

What good does havng HBK beat Undertaker?  He already has a legendary career... and they both probably only have 2-3 more years in them.

Imagine he beats HBK this year, then next year he loses to someone like Jack Swagger, Drew McIntire... whatever.

That's instant credibility.  You could be a main eventer for a year just based on the guy who beat Undertaker... no matter who you were and give a new wrestler a real shot to establish yourself as a fixture to come.

What i'd like to see is a sudden return to face for shawn michaels at wrestlemania... he's wrestling with taker... then suddenly the undertaker gets taken out by a foreign object by somone with a beef with undertaker... and shawn michaels just stands there... really conflicted, because it's what he wanted so badly... yet it's not the way he wanted it.

Then just end the match with him waking into the back to a count out loss.

But what if that new guy that beats Taker turns out to be another Billy Gunn or Ken Kennedy?  What if they are given a legendary push and they aren't around for a long time?  Whoever takes out the Taker has to be the greatest wrestler of all time.  They have to be Hall of Fame material.  I like your idea, though.  It would make for a compelling match.  And who's to say Michaels isn't the one who has to "do the job"? 

Still, nobody goes out on top.  Not Hogan.  Not Flair.  The Rock, Austin, Hart, Lesnar, etc.  you name 'em.  They did the job.  Either way, I'm taking the night off from work and ordering Wrestlemania based on this match, alone!!

You make sure the guy who's going to do it is signed up and taken care of. Even if it fizzles it doesn't hurt. Michaels and Taker are already in the panehton and both on their way out.