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d21lewis said:
Imphamis said:
Predictions for Wrestlemania 26 so far

John Cena vs Batista - WWE Championship : John Cena wins

Edge vs Chris Jericho - World Heavyweight Championship : Chris Jericho wins

Triple H vs Sheamus : Sheamus wins

Cm Punk vs Rey Mysterio - Hair vs Mask : Rey Mysterio wins

Money In The Bank Ladder Match : Christian wins

ShowMiz vs ??? for the Unified Tag Team Championship : ShowMiz wins

Who's your money on between Taker and HBK?  I actually think HBK is going to end the streak............

I think Shawn Michaels is finally going to retire, thus lose this match. He has been trying to retire for 3 years, yet WWE kept holding him back from doing that.


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

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d21lewis said:
Snake612 said:
d21lewis said:
Benjamin is the "Gold Standard". Before that, he was Brock Lesnar's former room-mate or something who could kick Brock's ass (but he never did) and then he would bring his "mama" (Actress, Thea Vidale) to the ring.

To be honest, I think the WWE has been pretty fair in giving out gimmicks to black people. Booker-T, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, D-Lo Brown, MVP, and Farooq are just a few that coom to mind when it comes to great gimmicks that work. Too bad R-Truth keeps getting the shitty end of the stick. He used that same gimmick when he debut with the Road Dog, back in the Attitude Era. Part of me wonders if Ron Killings actually requested that gimmick.

My hope (as I've probably posted in this thread, before) is that he'd team with Cryme Tyme and either MVP or Shelton Benjamin to form some sort of faction.

Cryme Time needs to get a tag team push and win the titles at Mania. That would be great. It seems like the tag team division has fallen apart. You notice how the only tag team that existed in the WWE is Hart Dynasty,Cryme Time,and SHowMiz? They need to revive the tag team division.

Btw, they just released Charlie Haas today.

In my opinion the next wrestler to be released, it has to be between Carlito,Jack Swagger or Dolph Ziggler. The creative team has nothing for them at this point.

Anyway, I really like the match between the Miz and Edge on Smackdown this past friday. Edge made Miz look like a main eventer. Both of them went back and forth which made the match great.

I agree with ya, Snake.  In the past, I had a hard time taking the Miz (and even though he'd won the title, Edge) seriously.  It looks like the WWE has finally made me a believer. 

For some reason, they're pushing Ziggler.  I don't get it.  He's not that talented.  He's just okay on the mic.  He looks pretty generic.  Am I missing something?  As for Carlito, its like he doesn't give a damn anymore.  He used to be over with the audience but the WWE didn't give him the push he deserved.  Adding Primo to the roster seemed to dilute Carlito's presence even more.  I still have hopes for Jack Swagger.  He's a big guy with a lot of in ring talent.  I guess he just has to pay his dues.  The potential for him is there.

I'm a ziggler fan. No, I don't like the look and on the mic he's so-so but he is damn good in the ring. He had some damn good matches with mysterio and morrison over the summer, he's had good matches with kane (which is just crazy), and he looked the best during the triple threat. And it's not like morrison or truth say anything of merit on the stick. 

Besides, people need to calm down. It's the money in the bank match. It's a glorified spot fest with maybe 1-2 guys who deserve a title shot. I think ziggler will be great in it. 

Also, the tag team belts have to be on a team that is worth having on two shows. That's why jericho had them with edge and the big show, that's why dx had them, and that's why the miz and big show have them now. The tag titles are arguably the most important titles out there since they come with the most responsibilty. Jericho, Edge, DX, and miz get ratings. Let's face it, cryme time is a go no where gimmick. the heart dynasty lack personality. MVP and mark henry have run their course on trying to be true mean eventers. I know it sucks, but out of those teams, no one deserves to appear on two shows more then the miz and big show (who are great as a team anyway). 

I'll say Ziggler has some talent, but the WWE has been given up on his push, obviously. He has had several months worth of a losing streak for the Intercontinental title and PPV matches.............his storyline with Maria IMO was a complete waste of time. As soon as they started that angle, the WWE immediately gave up on it. Well, he just recently won the MITB qualifying triple threat match on Smackdown, could this be a sign of WWE trying another push? Will he actually shock everyone and win the MITB ladder match? Or will he be just another card filler at Wrestlemania?


                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

with all this money in the bank talk i must say

they should really toss yoshi tatsu in it

hes too skilled to be anothr asian jobber which is all they like to do with asians it seems

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

d21lewis said:
Benjamin is the "Gold Standard". Before that, he was Brock Lesnar's former room-mate or something who could kick Brock's ass (but he never did) and then he would bring his "mama" (Actress, Thea Vidale) to the ring.

To be honest, I think the WWE has been pretty fair in giving out gimmicks to black people. Booker-T, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, D-Lo Brown, MVP, and Farooq are just a few that coom to mind when it comes to great gimmicks that work. Too bad R-Truth keeps getting the shitty end of the stick. He used that same gimmick when he debut with the Road Dog, back in the Attitude Era. Part of me wonders if Ron Killings actually requested that gimmick.

My hope (as I've probably posted in this thread, before) is that he'd team with Cryme Tyme and either MVP or Shelton Benjamin to form some sort of faction.

I dunno... I mean...

Booker T got his gimmic because, it was his popular WCW gimmic.  Kofi Kingston's gimmic until very recently was just that of a Jamacian.  Shelton Benjamin as previously stated used to have a gimic where he'd be followed out by his "momma" until the actor who played her got sick, MVP's gimmic while I like it and original is still fairly stereotypical.

D'lo and Farooq were cool though.  For the life of me I can't remember D'lo having a gimmic at all though... except "I wear a chestplate... even though it should be illegal."

Around the Network
d21lewis said:
Snake612 said:
d21lewis said:
Benjamin is the "Gold Standard". Before that, he was Brock Lesnar's former room-mate or something who could kick Brock's ass (but he never did) and then he would bring his "mama" (Actress, Thea Vidale) to the ring.

To be honest, I think the WWE has been pretty fair in giving out gimmicks to black people. Booker-T, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, D-Lo Brown, MVP, and Farooq are just a few that coom to mind when it comes to great gimmicks that work. Too bad R-Truth keeps getting the shitty end of the stick. He used that same gimmick when he debut with the Road Dog, back in the Attitude Era. Part of me wonders if Ron Killings actually requested that gimmick.

My hope (as I've probably posted in this thread, before) is that he'd team with Cryme Tyme and either MVP or Shelton Benjamin to form some sort of faction.

Cryme Time needs to get a tag team push and win the titles at Mania. That would be great. It seems like the tag team division has fallen apart. You notice how the only tag team that existed in the WWE is Hart Dynasty,Cryme Time,and SHowMiz? They need to revive the tag team division.

Btw, they just released Charlie Haas today.

In my opinion the next wrestler to be released, it has to be between Carlito,Jack Swagger or Dolph Ziggler. The creative team has nothing for them at this point.

Anyway, I really like the match between the Miz and Edge on Smackdown this past friday. Edge made Miz look like a main eventer. Both of them went back and forth which made the match great.

I agree with ya, Snake.  In the past, I had a hard time taking the Miz (and even though he'd won the title, Edge) seriously.  It looks like the WWE has finally made me a believer. 

For some reason, they're pushing Ziggler.  I don't get it.  He's not that talented.  He's just okay on the mic.  He looks pretty generic.  Am I missing something?  As for Carlito, its like he doesn't give a damn anymore.  He used to be over with the audience but the WWE didn't give him the push he deserved.  Adding Primo to the roster seemed to dilute Carlito's presence even more.  I still have hopes for Jack Swagger.  He's a big guy with a lot of in ring talent.  I guess he just has to pay his dues.  The potential for him is there.

Maybe they're making up for the fact that they put him in the Spirit Squad?


the more i think about it the worse it looks for the black guys

mvps gimmick is simply that of a hold out nfl star (think owens), or at least it was in the beginning

now its almost nothing

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

d21lewis said:
Imphamis said:
Predictions for Wrestlemania 26 so far

John Cena vs Batista - WWE Championship : John Cena wins

Edge vs Chris Jericho - World Heavyweight Championship : Chris Jericho wins

Triple H vs Sheamus : Sheamus wins

Cm Punk vs Rey Mysterio - Hair vs Mask : Rey Mysterio wins

Money In The Bank Ladder Match : Christian wins

ShowMiz vs ??? for the Unified Tag Team Championship : ShowMiz wins

Who's your money on between Taker and HBK?  I actually think HBK is going to end the streak............

That woud be such a waste... it's why I hate this match.


On the one hand it forces Michaels hand to retire... on the other hand, it ends a streak that shouldn't end... or the very least be broken by someone who needs that final push to be a main event guy.


the big rumour is a draw

and i could see that happening big time

but talk about anticlimactic, itd be like the tie in the mlb all star game, except if it happened at the world series

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

I think the Taker's streak HAS to end. It won't be matched. It's already legendary. But he can't leave the WWE undefeated. It's an unwritten rule of Wrestling. Before you go, you gotta do "the job". That's part of the reason why Bret got screwed back in 1997. He was going to WCW but he didn't want to do the job. Nobody leaves on top unless they leave unexpectedly. HBK has lost at Wrestlemania tons of times. I know Taker isn't the world champion but his "Streak" is arguably bigger than any championship. Unless he dies, he's gotta lose. Now is as good a time as any.