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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Official Pro Wrestling Thread

sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
About Bret getting hurt: I suspected something like this would happen for a while. My reasoning? Well, Bret is old. He's had a stroke. He's not in the best of shape anymore. But he's still a big name. At the same time, Vince McMahon is getting old, too. A match at Wrestlemania between the two would be horrific. So this is what we're going to get: Just like Umaga vs. Batista on behalf of McMahon and Trump, a few years back, we're going to get Batista (w/ Vince in his corner) vs. John Cena (w/ Bret in his corner). Batista vs. Cena already has history and is already a Wrestlemania main event worthy match. Toss in Bret vs. Vince and you've got something special.

Count on Edge vs. Jericho at WM, too.

I know it looks bad now, but it seems like the WWE is actually putting some effort into making a back story for the Wrestlemania matches, this year. I appreciate it.

It was so badly put together though.

Well, I can't deny that.  The WWE (and pro wrestling in general) suck when it comes to getting from point A to point B.  Remember when they wanted Vince out of the way so his car exploded for absolutely no reason?

I'm just reminded of how badly WCW mangled their opportunity with Bret Hart when they actually got him. They had a guy who was the talk of the wrestling business due to the Montreal Screwjob, and managed to make him barely a mid-carder (I don't doubt Hogan had no small part in that by the way). He always was my favorite wrestler, but there was no doubt his strength was never on the mike or in contrived storylines. His undeniable strenth was his ability to bring the best out of every wrestler he met in the ring to make amazing matches. I know he probably can't wrestle a match due to his prior health issues, but I feel bringing him back, and treating us to what they did this past monday night was insulting. A five year old would have laughed at that.

I think it just had more to do with the fact that they had no clue what to do with him.

The WCW was STACKED at this point with WCW homegrown talent and masses of WWF talent that was jumping ship.

The only major angle they had going was the NWO fued and they had both sides already pretty well stacked to the point of where they botched the "Who's side will he join" angle by stretching it out and not really giving him a side because they weren't sure where to put him in and who to fued him with since the championship "scene" was already crowded since it was pretty much narrowed down to the Hulk Hogan and then the faces.

Hogan was the only NWO member that made sense going for the title, but that basically made him the only heel to fued with for the title, making all the faces kinda crowded.

They needed some more non NWO heels.

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Kasz216 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
About Bret getting hurt: I suspected something like this would happen for a while. My reasoning? Well, Bret is old. He's had a stroke. He's not in the best of shape anymore. But he's still a big name. At the same time, Vince McMahon is getting old, too. A match at Wrestlemania between the two would be horrific. So this is what we're going to get: Just like Umaga vs. Batista on behalf of McMahon and Trump, a few years back, we're going to get Batista (w/ Vince in his corner) vs. John Cena (w/ Bret in his corner). Batista vs. Cena already has history and is already a Wrestlemania main event worthy match. Toss in Bret vs. Vince and you've got something special.

Count on Edge vs. Jericho at WM, too.

I know it looks bad now, but it seems like the WWE is actually putting some effort into making a back story for the Wrestlemania matches, this year. I appreciate it.

It was so badly put together though.

Well, I can't deny that.  The WWE (and pro wrestling in general) suck when it comes to getting from point A to point B.  Remember when they wanted Vince out of the way so his car exploded for absolutely no reason?

I'm just reminded of how badly WCW mangled their opportunity with Bret Hart when they actually got him. They had a guy who was the talk of the wrestling business due to the Montreal Screwjob, and managed to make him barely a mid-carder (I don't doubt Hogan had no small part in that by the way). He always was my favorite wrestler, but there was no doubt his strength was never on the mike or in constrived storylines. His undeniable strenth was his ability to bring the best out of every wrestler he met in the ring to make amazing matches. I know he probably can't wrestle a match due to his prior health issues, but I feel bringing him back, and treating us to what they did this past monday night was insulting. A five year old would have laughed at that.

I guess WWE has more in common with WCW than I thought.  Once again, they have one of the biggest names ever in the business (my favorite wrestler, too!  I used to create him in every WWE game I bought and make him beat up Kurt Angle) and they're using him wrong.  He hasn't met the Hart Dynasty, YET?  WTF!?  He should be mentoring those kids to be a thorn in Vince's ass!!

If it were up to me:

-Ted Dibiase Sr. Would buy the WWE and make everyone job to his son.  Eventually, someone would stand up to him.  Ted Jr. would get over.

-Edge and Christian would meet in some way, shape or form

-Awesome Kong would have been introduced in that "Piggy James" storyline

-R Truth would've teamed with Shelton Benjamin and Cryme Tyme to form a New Nation

-CM Punk would've still been the champion.  The guy is a GREAT heel and he's able to get it done in the ring, too.

-The Young Bucks would be in the WWE instead of TNA.  They were there in 2008 (I think) and all they did was job for the Big Show or something.  What a waste.

-Hornswoggle would be dead (but since kids love him, I guess he's okay).

-John Morrison would quit trying to get over as a traditional face and remain a cocky, likeable bad ass

That's just off the top of my head. 

Hey that's my Smackdown vs Raw storyline.

Please tell me that you got the 360 version!  I'd love to download it when my console comes back, this week!!

Kasz216 said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
About Bret getting hurt: I suspected something like this would happen for a while. My reasoning? Well, Bret is old. He's had a stroke. He's not in the best of shape anymore. But he's still a big name. At the same time, Vince McMahon is getting old, too. A match at Wrestlemania between the two would be horrific. So this is what we're going to get: Just like Umaga vs. Batista on behalf of McMahon and Trump, a few years back, we're going to get Batista (w/ Vince in his corner) vs. John Cena (w/ Bret in his corner). Batista vs. Cena already has history and is already a Wrestlemania main event worthy match. Toss in Bret vs. Vince and you've got something special.

Count on Edge vs. Jericho at WM, too.

I know it looks bad now, but it seems like the WWE is actually putting some effort into making a back story for the Wrestlemania matches, this year. I appreciate it.

It was so badly put together though.

Well, I can't deny that.  The WWE (and pro wrestling in general) suck when it comes to getting from point A to point B.  Remember when they wanted Vince out of the way so his car exploded for absolutely no reason?

I'm just reminded of how badly WCW mangled their opportunity with Bret Hart when they actually got him. They had a guy who was the talk of the wrestling business due to the Montreal Screwjob, and managed to make him barely a mid-carder (I don't doubt Hogan had no small part in that by the way). He always was my favorite wrestler, but there was no doubt his strength was never on the mike or in contrived storylines. His undeniable strenth was his ability to bring the best out of every wrestler he met in the ring to make amazing matches. I know he probably can't wrestle a match due to his prior health issues, but I feel bringing him back, and treating us to what they did this past monday night was insulting. A five year old would have laughed at that.

I think it just had more to do with the fact that they had no clue what to do with him.

The WCW was STACKED at this point with WCW homegrown talent and masses of WWF talent that was jumping ship.

The only major angle they had going was the NWO fued and they had both sides already pretty well stacked to the point of where they botched the "Who's side will he join" angle by stretching it out and not really giving him a side because they weren't sure where to put him in and who to fued him with since the championship "scene" was already crowded since it was pretty much narrowed down to the Hulk Hogan and then the faces.

Hogan was the only NWO member that made sense going for the title, but that basically made him the only heel to fued with for the title, making all the faces kinda crowded.

They needed some more non NWO heels.

And still David Arquette managed to win a World Title in this time. How awful were these guys with their storylines?

d21lewis said:
Kasz216 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
About Bret getting hurt: I suspected something like this would happen for a while. My reasoning? Well, Bret is old. He's had a stroke. He's not in the best of shape anymore. But he's still a big name. At the same time, Vince McMahon is getting old, too. A match at Wrestlemania between the two would be horrific. So this is what we're going to get: Just like Umaga vs. Batista on behalf of McMahon and Trump, a few years back, we're going to get Batista (w/ Vince in his corner) vs. John Cena (w/ Bret in his corner). Batista vs. Cena already has history and is already a Wrestlemania main event worthy match. Toss in Bret vs. Vince and you've got something special.

Count on Edge vs. Jericho at WM, too.

I know it looks bad now, but it seems like the WWE is actually putting some effort into making a back story for the Wrestlemania matches, this year. I appreciate it.

It was so badly put together though.

Well, I can't deny that.  The WWE (and pro wrestling in general) suck when it comes to getting from point A to point B.  Remember when they wanted Vince out of the way so his car exploded for absolutely no reason?

I'm just reminded of how badly WCW mangled their opportunity with Bret Hart when they actually got him. They had a guy who was the talk of the wrestling business due to the Montreal Screwjob, and managed to make him barely a mid-carder (I don't doubt Hogan had no small part in that by the way). He always was my favorite wrestler, but there was no doubt his strength was never on the mike or in constrived storylines. His undeniable strenth was his ability to bring the best out of every wrestler he met in the ring to make amazing matches. I know he probably can't wrestle a match due to his prior health issues, but I feel bringing him back, and treating us to what they did this past monday night was insulting. A five year old would have laughed at that.

I guess WWE has more in common with WCW than I thought.  Once again, they have one of the biggest names ever in the business (my favorite wrestler, too!  I used to create him in every WWE game I bought and make him beat up Kurt Angle) and they're using him wrong.  He hasn't met the Hart Dynasty, YET?  WTF!?  He should be mentoring those kids to be a thorn in Vince's ass!!

If it were up to me:

-Ted Dibiase Sr. Would buy the WWE and make everyone job to his son.  Eventually, someone would stand up to him.  Ted Jr. would get over.

-Edge and Christian would meet in some way, shape or form

-Awesome Kong would have been introduced in that "Piggy James" storyline

-R Truth would've teamed with Shelton Benjamin and Cryme Tyme to form a New Nation

-CM Punk would've still been the champion.  The guy is a GREAT heel and he's able to get it done in the ring, too.

-The Young Bucks would be in the WWE instead of TNA.  They were there in 2008 (I think) and all they did was job for the Big Show or something.  What a waste.

-Hornswoggle would be dead (but since kids love him, I guess he's okay).

-John Morrison would quit trying to get over as a traditional face and remain a cocky, likeable bad ass

That's just off the top of my head. 

Hey that's my Smackdown vs Raw storyline.

Please tell me that you got the 360 version!  I'd love to download it when my console comes back, this week!!

I do, but it's not really hooked up to the internet yet or download ready.

I've been doing it "randomly" to see the outcomes.    Also, instead of the Entire WWE I just made it ECW, with a redraft happening shortly after the bid.  I kinda like doing it that way because sometimes outcomes happen you wouldn't expect or think to do so it isn't so formulmatic.

Basically Million Dollar Man has a bunch of the "Heel" wrestlers as enforcers and makes life hell for the faces on ECW, some of which including big Raw and Smackdown names.

While over on Smackdown, Christian ended up over there, won a money in the bank type match, and has his choice of champions, but Edge convinces him to take a shot at the Raw title so he can take the smackdown one... playing on their relationship to be the "ultimate oppurtunist as always."


Man i HATE that only 10 uses of a create a character though.  I don't even understand why that's in there.  I guess downloads... but then why not just make that limit for the ones you upload only?

sguy78 said:
Kasz216 said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
sguy78 said:
d21lewis said:
About Bret getting hurt: I suspected something like this would happen for a while. My reasoning? Well, Bret is old. He's had a stroke. He's not in the best of shape anymore. But he's still a big name. At the same time, Vince McMahon is getting old, too. A match at Wrestlemania between the two would be horrific. So this is what we're going to get: Just like Umaga vs. Batista on behalf of McMahon and Trump, a few years back, we're going to get Batista (w/ Vince in his corner) vs. John Cena (w/ Bret in his corner). Batista vs. Cena already has history and is already a Wrestlemania main event worthy match. Toss in Bret vs. Vince and you've got something special.

Count on Edge vs. Jericho at WM, too.

I know it looks bad now, but it seems like the WWE is actually putting some effort into making a back story for the Wrestlemania matches, this year. I appreciate it.

It was so badly put together though.

Well, I can't deny that.  The WWE (and pro wrestling in general) suck when it comes to getting from point A to point B.  Remember when they wanted Vince out of the way so his car exploded for absolutely no reason?

I'm just reminded of how badly WCW mangled their opportunity with Bret Hart when they actually got him. They had a guy who was the talk of the wrestling business due to the Montreal Screwjob, and managed to make him barely a mid-carder (I don't doubt Hogan had no small part in that by the way). He always was my favorite wrestler, but there was no doubt his strength was never on the mike or in contrived storylines. His undeniable strenth was his ability to bring the best out of every wrestler he met in the ring to make amazing matches. I know he probably can't wrestle a match due to his prior health issues, but I feel bringing him back, and treating us to what they did this past monday night was insulting. A five year old would have laughed at that.

I think it just had more to do with the fact that they had no clue what to do with him.

The WCW was STACKED at this point with WCW homegrown talent and masses of WWF talent that was jumping ship.

The only major angle they had going was the NWO fued and they had both sides already pretty well stacked to the point of where they botched the "Who's side will he join" angle by stretching it out and not really giving him a side because they weren't sure where to put him in and who to fued him with since the championship "scene" was already crowded since it was pretty much narrowed down to the Hulk Hogan and then the faces.

Hogan was the only NWO member that made sense going for the title, but that basically made him the only heel to fued with for the title, making all the faces kinda crowded.

They needed some more non NWO heels.

And still David Arquette managed to win a World Title in this time. How awful were these guys with their storylines?

Oh yeah, back when David Arquette came in they were circling  the bottom of the barrel.  I thought Brett came in well before that though...


the problem was the NWO was an AWESOME gimic... but it was TOO awesome.  It engulfed the entire WCW to where they pretty much pushed no other angles and had noone else in the titles pictures but NWO people and WCW faces... and since villian stables have very defined pecking orders... that meant very limited fueds.

What they SHOULD of did with Brett was, have Team WCW and NWO vie for his abilties that have Bret lay him out and start a WCW version of the Hart foundation and forcibly insert himself in the title picture while also fueding with Lex Luger... or whoever it was they claimed was his close friend.  Would of made more heels for the faces to be up against, and he could have a slow face turn as the NWO splintered... or whenever Luger switched sides.



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I don't even know how to make a story. I tried but I can never save my progress. I end up with one REALLY long night. I gotta try it again soon, though. Too many ideas in my head that I need to get, I want the Achievement points! I like downloading stories and wrestlers, though. You REALLY need to get your 360 online. Some of the characters that people make online are astonishing. I have "photo realistic" Goldberg, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, and many others. If you can think of it, odds are somebody already made an incredible version of it!!

SvR 2010 is great.

d21lewis said:
I don't even know how to make a story. I tried but I can never save my progress. I end up with one REALLY long night. I gotta try it again soon, though. Too many ideas in my head that I need to get, I want the Achievement points! I like downloading stories and wrestlers, though. You REALLY need to get your 360 online. Some of the characters that people make online are astonishing. I have "photo realistic" Goldberg, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, and many others. If you can think of it, odds are somebody already made an incredible version of it!!

SvR 2010 is great.

Yeah, it can be a little tricky at first but once you get used to it it's awesome.

Word of advice though, when you do it... either get another keyboard or do what i do and unplug yours from the PC to do the dialog.  It works so much better and takes a tenth of the time.

Kasz216 said:
d21lewis said:
I don't even know how to make a story. I tried but I can never save my progress. I end up with one REALLY long night. I gotta try it again soon, though. Too many ideas in my head that I need to get, I want the Achievement points! I like downloading stories and wrestlers, though. You REALLY need to get your 360 online. Some of the characters that people make online are astonishing. I have "photo realistic" Goldberg, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, and many others. If you can think of it, odds are somebody already made an incredible version of it!!

SvR 2010 is great.

Yeah, it can be a little tricky at first but once you get used to it it's awesome.

Word of advice though, when you do it... either get another keyboard or do what i do and unplug yours from the PC to do the dialog.  It works so much better and takes a tenth of the time.

I'll take your advice.

d21lewis said:
I don't even know how to make a story. I tried but I can never save my progress. I end up with one REALLY long night. I gotta try it again soon, though. Too many ideas in my head that I need to get, I want the Achievement points! I like downloading stories and wrestlers, though. You REALLY need to get your 360 online. Some of the characters that people make online are astonishing. I have "photo realistic" Goldberg, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, and many others. If you can think of it, odds are somebody already made an incredible version of it!!

SvR 2010 is great.

Really? I've been having my doubts about these new smackdown games of recent. Maybe when I have the money, I'll buy it and see what its like. I bought SVR 2009 last year for the holiday.


Snake612 said:
d21lewis said:
I don't even know how to make a story. I tried but I can never save my progress. I end up with one REALLY long night. I gotta try it again soon, though. Too many ideas in my head that I need to get, I want the Achievement points! I like downloading stories and wrestlers, though. You REALLY need to get your 360 online. Some of the characters that people make online are astonishing. I have "photo realistic" Goldberg, AJ Styles, Rob Van Dam, and many others. If you can think of it, odds are somebody already made an incredible version of it!!

SvR 2010 is great.

Really? I've been having my doubts about these new smackdown games of recent. Maybe when I have the money, I'll buy it and see what its like. I bought SVR 2009 last year for the holiday.

Keep in mind that I skipped SvR 2008 and 2009, though.  If you've been playing them all, the jump in quality may not be as big as it was for me.