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The man who won the number one contender position a few weeks ago on TNA in a tournament (Bobby Lashley) got fired on the same show the contender thing started. They also start another tournament just before the firing. Don't worry things will make sense soon ( I hope).

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

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ROH - Wrestlereunion 4 Results

Results from the first ROH trip to LA.

Colt Cabana and El Generico beat scott lost and scorpio sky
Very good opener. All four guys are way over. Colt is hilarious live.

Necro Butcher beat Erick Stevens
Not hardcore enough for my liking. Joey Ryan and Stevens laid out Necro after the match.

Roderick Strong beat Delirious in a decent match

Tyler Black beat Joey Ryan
Again, decent. Joey Ryan is waaaayyyyyy over in LA. Tyler didn't get nearly the kind of reaction he gets on the east coast.

Jerry Lynn beat Kenny King but the call was overturned after Lynn hits a cradle pile driver onto a chair.
4th match in a row that wasn't terribly notable. King got a lot of heat for a great pre match promo. Jerry got a nice reaction and some "ECW" and "New fucking show" chants.


Larry Zbyszko beat Scotty Too Hotty with “Survivor” star Johnny Fairplay as guest ref
This was a big waste of time. The match went about 90 seconds and the crowd was not pleased with any part of it. Fairplay cut a funny pre match promo and Scotty said how he was glad to wrestle in an ROH ring.

Kevin Steen beat the human tornado
Great match. Both guys are way over with the LA crowd and Steen was great in full heel mode. Tornado took a post match beating before colt made the save.

10-15 break to fix the bottom rope. Crowd got frustrated until ROH employees and wrestlers did a little entertaining.

ROH World Champion Austin Aries beat Jushin “Thunder” Liger
Another great match. Strong reaction for Liger. Funny pre match promo between Aries and Liger.

The American Wolves and The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli) beat World Tag Team Champions Jay & Mark Briscoe and The Young Bucks
Amazing match. A bit of a spotfest for the most part but it was great for what it was. The crowd loved it. A great way to close things out.

Other notes:
Lots of PWG (pro wrestling guerrilla) chants
A number of annoying anti east coast fans. (It should be noted a large number of wrestlers who appear in PWG are also in ROH so it doesn't really make sense).

In this guy's opinion, the somewhat disappointing undercard mixed with the excellent main events made the night a 7/10

thats the problem I have had with ROH shows lately, and why I stopped getting the PPVs (if those are ven still on), they are starting to be mediocre with this new management tream. I don't want top blame Jim Cornette, but pretty much any company he is booking is at its worst when he is there, see WWF right before the attitude era, then soon after 2002-ish.

while a few matches on there sound amazing the undercard sounds boring an uninspired. I went to a show last year in St. Louis like that that had a jobber match in the middle of the card with local talents that killed the crowd for the rest of the night.

the talent is there but I don't know about their product right now. It's like they are too big to be an indy, and yet too small to be a big player.

I found this funny. What the TNA & WWE facebook looks like:

^LOL those are hilarious

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OH BTW impact got its highest rating for a non-special episode, and its second highest rating ever last week.

so far in January we have had

1.5 monday special

seems like more casual fans are beginning to watch it

That facebook thing is funny.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

I got them from 411mania, the MeThinks FreeThinks Friday columns. They're an interesting read; I'll post more later on.

The Orlando Screw-job thing seemed to work. TNA impact lost viewers after the Angle/Hogan segment.


Edge won the rumble.

that's cool, hope he can stay well for a while