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heh, guess some of my prayers were answered, look what happened at the impact tapings today:

"Before the tapings started, the Impact Zone crowd was addressed by members of the TNA staff. They talked to the crowd about not cursing, making obscene gestures, or gang signs. They called the crowd 'cast members' and basically told the crowd that they needed to be quiet."

YAY no dumbass chants for everything

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spdk1 said:
heh, guess some of my prayers were answered, look what happened at the impact tapings today:

"Before the tapings started, the Impact Zone crowd was addressed by members of the TNA staff. They talked to the crowd about not cursing, making obscene gestures, or gang signs. They called the crowd 'cast members' and basically told the crowd that they needed to be quiet."

YAY no dumbass chants for everything

It looks like your dreams came true, in record time!

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

SaviorX said:
spdk1 said:
heh, guess some of my prayers were answered, look what happened at the impact tapings today:

"Before the tapings started, the Impact Zone crowd was addressed by members of the TNA staff. They talked to the crowd about not cursing, making obscene gestures, or gang signs. They called the crowd 'cast members' and basically told the crowd that they needed to be quiet."

YAY no dumbass chants for everything

It looks like your dreams came true, in record time!

I agree with what you're saying spdk1 but the crowd enforcement does walk a fine line. There are definitely a lot of dumb ass smart marks in the orlando crowd. They are hugely inconsistent even though a large chunk of the crowd is the same week in and week out. They think nigel is the greatest ever one week, they no sell him the next. they think kennedy is great for 10 minutes then lay into him. And yet, while they can suck at times, it's nice to see a crowd that cares, even if it's misplaced.

At times, the tna crowd reminds me of the "plant ecw fan" crowd from the first 'one night stand' wwe did a couple years back. For the most part, it was a good show but the crowd obviously cared more about swearing on camera then the action in the ring. I remember the benoit vs eddie match and half the match the crowd was looking up towards the balcony and chanting things like "you screwed matt" at edge. It was absolutely nuts to see "hardcore wrestling fans" no sell a match between two modern in ring legends.  

Also, I didn't see genesis, but here are quick thoughts:




Glad "the band" didn't go over on beer money (even though I dislike that gimmick). Neither here nor there about kendrick not getting the x-division title. Can't (or in tna's case: can) believe val went over on daniels. Fine with kennedy getting the duke over abyss.... Cause let's face it, that's what abyss is meant to do (read: kane, mic foley). Fine with styles heel turn. Fine with tara as new champ. fine with morgan and super mex as new champs. happy wolfe finally got a ppv win.

These are the kind of fans that are messing stuff up:

You guys see RAW last night?

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

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Hated it. The only good part of RAW was Orton Sheamus at the end and I think Legacy should of showed up and got stomped after Orton went out. Or atleast be intimadated by him.
I hope ROH can get a deal where everyone can watch the show when it airs on tv so we can get to see some wrestling on mondays.

 Go Team Venture! I still don't get the Wii, PS Move,  and Kinect.

^^Watching it right now. I should be sleeping, though. It's pretty good!

I saw RAW and it was horrible. I heard that Edge might make his return at the Royal Rumble. He's been gone for awhile now. Anyways, those TNA fans need to get use to the changes. Hogan is trying to put TNA into mainstream popularity. I think the new four sided ring is a great adjustment. Their next big step is to get themselves out of Orlando and host their tv shows and live events in bigger arenas.


spdk1 said:
These are the kind of fans that are messing stuff up:

It's a shame how guys so "smart" to wrestling just don't know how to behave. I guess at this weeks impact they chant "you are married" at AJ when he walks out with one of flare's bimbos. I mean, yes, it's a funny chant, but these guys who say they love TNA and claim possession over it just completely no-sold their beloved champion and his new heel gimmick that TNA is trying to use to get him more notice nationally. 

tastyshovelware said:
spdk1 said:
These are the kind of fans that are messing stuff up:

It's a shame how guys so "smart" to wrestling just don't know how to behave. I guess at this weeks impact they chant "you are married" at AJ when he walks out with one of flare's bimbos. I mean, yes, it's a funny chant, but these guys who say they love TNA and claim possession over it just completely no-sold their beloved champion and his new heel gimmick that TNA is trying to use to get him more notice nationally. 

I'm just glad that the management arte taking a stand when they can, if left unchanged they could end up with someone as bad as "Angry fan" from PWG