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Some interesting notes from Genesis. The six-sided ring is gone; it's now a four-sided ring. Nick Hogan, Brooke Hogan, Joey Fatone (from N'Sync) and other celebrities are on ring side. I never seen that many celebrities on a TNA event, even though two of them are Hulk's kids.

Brian Kendrick made his debut on the X-Division title match. It was a very good match; the move the Amazing Red did at the end was incredible. Lots of people were cheering for Daniels over Sean Morley (Val Venis). Seems like Sean doesn't have a lot of fans. It was an alright match.

Tara vs. ODB was a very solid woman's wrestling match. I saw Brooke Hogan extending her hand to Tara; she wanted to help Tara get up, but ODB scared her off. Not sure if that was planned or not. Morgan/Hernandez vs. The British Invasion was also a good match. I'll try not to name the winners.

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D'Angelo Dinero vs. Wolfe was a very good match; it had a lot of nice, innovative moves and the ending was great. Beer Money vs. Nash/Syxx-Pac was better than I expected. Syxx-Pac looked good in the ring, but Nash was so-so. Scott Hall slapped a fan; not sure if it was planned.

Mr. Kennedy made his debut against Abyss. I'm glad he still has mic entrance - you know the one where the microphone falls from the top. He's very entertaining with the mic, and I lol'd at the Peter Griffin impression at the end. The match itself was alright, but the ending was terrible.

Angle vs. AJ was an amazing match, as expected. AJ using Angle's finisher and Angle using AJ's finisher was pretty neat, and the angle slam from the top looked sick. Another thing to note was AJ diving outside. It was very risky doing that as the barricade was very close to the ring, but he was able to pull it off. Kudos to him. The thing with Ric Flair at the end was awesome. I, for one, am very interested with the direction they're taking this with Flair/AJ/Angle.

Good PPV overall, but I don't think it was worth $30 or $40 this thing costs. Fortunately, we got it for free for some reason.

Man, those front row TNA orlando regular fans are starting to piss me off, especially that pretentious guy with a beard and his wife/girlfriend that always wears a beer money shirt. To me he is becoming almost as bad as ROHs Green Lantern fan and a few other notorious fans that try to put themselves over. all the guy does is not pay attention to matches, start chants, act displeased at all times, then shift from booing someone to chanting "this is wrestling" six seconds later.

TNA needs to get the F out of orlando or revoke those VIP badges. They had the same problem in the Nashville asylum with the "heel section" a group of idiots that tried to be louder than the rest of the crowd and acted like an elite form of crowd...



The morons are just over Bubba's left shoulder, on our right^


anyone else annoyed by this?

TNA is starting to get a bit more popular these days. The fact that they signed Mr. Anderson (formerly Mr. Kennedy) and Jeff Hardy within two or three weeks means competition is going to get better. I wasn't surprised by AJ Styles heel turn due to the fact that Ric Flair had a stare down with Kurt Angle on the Impact leading up to Genesis.


TNA needs to expand their business. Its been 7 years since the comapny has been in business and they still taped Impact in Orlando. They need to do what WWE does and bring their shows to different revenues. That's the only way this company will expand.


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Yeah they need to move out of Orlando. The fans were rowdy and pretty bad at times. Some annoying chants I heard at the PPV:

"We want six sides" & "Hogan sucks" - in response to the four sided ring

"This is wrestling" - a minute into the match, and this happened a lot. I don't get why they chant this a minute into the match.

Ole Ole chant after a pay lay from AJ.

There was a huge pop for Anderson when he debuted. A few minutes later, they start chanting "overrated"

There were a lot of vulgar chants during the Sean Morley match, along with a Brooke chant. They really kill the vibe.


I think the fans in attendance that night were bipolar.


spdk1 said:

4. Orlando Jordan - OJ could shine, as he was one of those guys that never really got a fair shot in WWE, he was basically JBLs manservent there for a while, which never makes a star, think of how far Virgil/Vincent went.

These new guys are good because TNA has been cannibalizing its X-division and tag divisions for mid-carders for a while, so now we can have teams like MCMG and Lethal consequences stay where they belong, and help bolster some new tag feuds.

Thing is, while Orlando Jordan was in the WWE, he was getting beat by Chris Benoit in record time. After that storyline was over, WWE gave him a storyline where he would be in a love triangle- a gay love triangle, where OJ was the gay/homosexual one.

Rather than compromise his principles, and left with no other alternative, Jordan left the WWE. If I were him, I would've done the same.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Anderson's debut: