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I still need to try out the second day of reckoning game, never actually played it

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Raw was pretty good this week - way better than the past few shows. The triple threat match was very entertaining, but Orton winning was unexpected. Heel vs. Heel at the Royal Rumble? The Miz's promo was pretty awesome. This dude has some incredible mic skills. The Mike Tyson thing at the end was very predictable though. Anyone else gets the feeling that Jericho is the new Chavo Guerrero as in getting humiliated by DX, Hornswoggle and the guest host?

For the life of me... I can't figure out why Smackdown vs Raw 2010 has a 10 create a character limit for it's scenarios... I can't think of any technical reason for this to be the case.

It sucks cause you can't really make a storyline with more then 1 Create a Character.

Man that scene editor is fun though.

^ I don't think the wii version has that limitation

man, Orton is a douche sometimes:


WWE wrestler Randy Orton is being accused of assault by a 15-year-old male who says he was looking for a photo with Orton in a parking lot at the Kowloon restaurant outside of Boston, Mass. on Tuesday night.

The male alleges that Orton spit gum at him and called him a "derogatory name." The 15-year-old's mother confronted Orton, who allegedly told her, "so sue me."

The teenager filed a report with local police, who say a hearing has been requested for Orton to face charges of simple assault and battery. reports that a clerk magistrate will determine if the incident warrants a criminal complaint.

The teenager says he took a photo of Orton from a distance, then walked up to Orton looking for a photo together, which led to the alleged incident.

Orton was at the Raw TV taping on Monday, January 11 in Minneapolis, Minn., but it's not clear why he was in the Boston area on Tuesday.

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Spdk1, your username is written in red above your avatar. But since I have a bad short term memory, it helps to see your name written in red below your avatar, too!

On topic: Randy is a douche. He needs to appreciate his fans. 15 years old? I guess that makes him feel like a big man. I charged a guy with simple assault for just threatening to slap a lady (I hate male on female violence unless it's in a video game --then, it's awesome!). I won that case. If the plaintiff can prove that they were in fear, Randy will lose his case, too......and this time, I cheering for the plaintiff. Orton needs to separate himself from his (I assume) character.

Biggest lawl in SVR2010: When Santino cuts a promo on my created wrestler. He says "You look like the kind of person some loser would create in a video game" then he looks into the camera and raises his eyebrow.

I kicked his ass for that!!

spdk1 said:
^ I don't think the wii version has that limitation

The wii version doesn't?  That's even more confusing... what with the Wii's technical limitations.

I ended up with the 360 version.


Kasz216 said:
spdk1 said:
^ I don't think the wii version has that limitation

The wii version doesn't?  That's even more confusing... what with the Wii's technical limitations.

I ended up with the 360 version.


I have yet to play it unfortunately, but here is a snippet from the ign review:


"This is awesome stuff. There are a few restrictions – although you can go for 10 years in a story, you can only have 55 scenes and 55 matches in one tale – but they're not that big of a deal. Are you going to make a 100-part story all that often? Interestingly, this version has an upside compared to the PS3/360 version of SVR 2010. Over there, you can only have 10 Created Superstar appearances in a given story. Now, that's 10 "appearances"; if you use two CAS in one scene, that's two appearances. If you used one CAS in three scenes, that's three appearances. On the Wii, there are no such restrictions. You could have 10 years filled only with Created Superstars if you wanted. Of course, you can only save two stories on the Wii, which is a bit limiting."

spdk1 said:
Kasz216 said:
spdk1 said:
^ I don't think the wii version has that limitation

The wii version doesn't?  That's even more confusing... what with the Wii's technical limitations.

I ended up with the 360 version.


I have yet to play it unfortunately, but here is a snippet from the ign review:


"This is awesome stuff. There are a few restrictions – although you can go for 10 years in a story, you can only have 55 scenes and 55 matches in one tale – but they're not that big of a deal. Are you going to make a 100-part story all that often? Interestingly, this version has an upside compared to the PS3/360 version of SVR 2010. Over there, you can only have 10 Created Superstar appearances in a given story. Now, that's 10 "appearances"; if you use two CAS in one scene, that's two appearances. If you used one CAS in three scenes, that's three appearances. On the Wii, there are no such restrictions. You could have 10 years filled only with Created Superstars if you wanted. Of course, you can only save two stories on the Wii, which is a bit limiting."

Aarrrgh... that's frustrating.

On the one hand... that's better for create a character stories.

On the otherhand... I'd want to make way more then 2 stories... i don't get why they put limits to stuff like that.  If you have the memory, let people make more stories.

Ugh... oh well i'll just go with my plan on my 360... to split up the stories.  Man...