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BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

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d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

Are u sure about that, b/c he lost his opportunity when Edge challenged him for the money in the bank contract on RAW and lost. In that match he got injured and was out for for awhile and then a few months later he got suspended with 10 other WWE wrestlers for testing positive for steroids.


Imphamis said:

Raw was more about character developing than matches. It seemed so non-PG to me......maybe  just to me. Marked out when HBK was announced as an inductee in the 2011 HOF Class and returned the same night. ADR came out, only to recieve a SCM. Epic.


I'M AGAINST THE NEW NEXUS. The real original Nexus died when Wade Barrett was kicked out, what Punk is running is just another Straight Edge Society. Gabriel and Slater both walked out on the group and I'm actually glad. They should have destroyed Punk with the kendo sticks. What was the point of those stupid gang-like initiations? He made them try to destroy each other. He's ruined the group literally. The ONLY Original member left is Otunga. McGillicutty was stupid enough to allow himself to recieve a Nexus beatdown and Harris getting whipped like Jesus backstage. Gabriel was my favorite and one of the best members too IMO .............. Well the renegade rookies had a nice run.

I actually thing the point of the gang initations was to give them a gang like feel, because the Nexus really lost their edge because all 6 of em couldn't handle John Cena.  Try and make them seem more crazy and blend them with the old SES with Punk being the new charismatic gang leader.

BoneArk said:
d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

Are u sure about that, b/c he lost his opportunity when Edge challenged him for the money in the bank contract on RAW and lost. In that match he got injured and was out for for awhile and then a few months later he got suspended with 10 other WWE wrestlers for testing positive for steroids.

Pretty sure.  Edge challenged him and won because Ken was injured then, too.  Nobody stayed injured ad much as that guy!  Not even Nash or early Orton!

*edit* I wiki'd Ken Anderson and I was wrong--you were right!!  My apologies for any harm I may have caused to you and your loved ones.

d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

Randy Orton hated him and whined about him "hurting Randy" to Vince so he got released.

Around the Network
d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

Are u sure about that, b/c he lost his opportunity when Edge challenged him for the money in the bank contract on RAW and lost. In that match he got injured and was out for for awhile and then a few months later he got suspended with 10 other WWE wrestlers for testing positive for steroids.

Pretty sure.  Edge challenged him and won because Ken was injured then, too.  Nobody stayed injured ad much as that guy!  Not even Nash or early Orton!

*edit* I wiki'd Ken Anderson and I was wrong--you were right!!  My apologies for any harm I may have caused to you and your loved ones.

LOL! Injuries and his steroid suspension really ended Mr. Anderson's career in the WWE. After Chris Benoit died, WWE went on a hunting spree for steroid users and Anderson got caught and he even admitted he used them.


spdk1 said:
d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

Randy Orton hated him and whined about him "hurting Randy" to Vince so he got released.

I'm not surprised by that, Randy has always been spoiled b/c of his dad. I like Randy Orton,but, he would not be in the WWE if it wasn't for his dad. 


spdk1 said:
d21lewis said:
BoneArk said:
spdk1 said:

Mr. Anderson won the TNA title at the PPV on Sunday

Its about time that asshole won the TNA Championship. He also should of won the WWE Championship when he won Money in the Bank at WrestleMania 23,but, I'm not going to rant about that.

Well he WAS going to win the WWE Championship.  That's what they were grooming him for.  In fact, the week before he was gone, he was the winner of the RAW main event!!  I don't know exactly why he quit/got fired but him winning the WWE strap was pretty much a given.

Randy Orton hated him and whined about him "hurting Randy" to Vince so he got released.

And I mean really,the whole thing was creatives (read vince) fault for putting them in those jerseys in the firstplace.  Ever feel a Baskeball jersey before?  They're made slippery on purpose.

If you missed Smackdown, Wade Barrett has already formed a "Nexus " of his own consisted of his original members Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel. And the 4th member is the powerhouse, Ezekiel Jackson........I don't know why, but I feel Skip Sheffield was suppose to do Jackson's role, but wasn't recovered in time? Ah but Big Show was attacked by all of them, he was in control at first, until Ezekiel did a surprise lariat on him. Was pretty much done for him there.

Kane has also pretty much dissapeared from Smackdown.


Already interested in this Edge/Ziggler feud for the World Title. Enjoyed the Cutting Edge, Vickie is obviously not over Edge either lol. Dolph punched the hell out of Edge for showing him cheating for Kaitlyn in response to Vickie showing Edge cheating on her for the wedding planner ( Alicia Fox) in 2008. Edge quickly disposed of Dolph, and was about to spear vickie, but Ziggler ended all that with Zig-Zagging Edge against the steel steps.......I don't think I should even say what happened next. ( ill )



                      "The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"     

Imphamis said:

If you missed Smackdown, Wade Barrett has already formed a "Nexus " of his own consisted of his original members Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel. And the 4th member is the powerhouse, Ezekiel Jackson........I don't know why, but I feel Skip Sheffield was suppose to do Jackson's role, but wasn't recovered in time? Ah but Big Show was attacked by all of them, he was in control at first, until Ezekiel did a surprise lariat on him. Was pretty much done for him there.

Kane has also pretty much dissapeared from Smackdown.


Already interested in this Edge/Ziggler feud for the World Title. Enjoyed the Cutting Edge, Vickie is obviously not over Edge either lol. Dolph punched the hell out of Edge for showing him cheating for Kaitlyn in response to Vickie showing Edge cheating on her for the wedding planner ( Alicia Fox) in 2008. Edge quickly disposed of Dolph, and was about to spear vickie, but Ziggler ended all that with Zig-Zagging Edge against the steel steps.......I don't think I should even say what happened next. ( ill )


I'm also surprised that Jackson joined Barrett. I'm curious what Barrett's new team will be called. Is it me or does Wade Barrett remind u of a young Triple H.