What was the point of "firing" Cena if he showed up every damn week? Not only that, appeared backstage, attacked superstars, jumped the barricade, got into the ring, and even did PROMOS with other superstars. To finally add, his theme music even played, despite no longer working there anymore. What a shit storyline that was, and all it did was make The Nexus look like a bunch of weaklings. In fact The Nexus isn't strong and dominate at all anymore if they are getting taken out by one guy. But all of that shows WWE can't survive without John Cena. The man's like a damn leech and I've been tired of him for years.
The Miz iz WWE Champion..........I think the world needs a reality check, because this can't be something that happens in reality..........right? Well he's world champion........and he's being made out as an extremely weak champion who even needs to cheat to defeat Jerry Lawler. Looks like Michael Cole is going to start interfering in matches for Miz like Alex Riley. I rather Miz stay champion than Orton regain it though. Even though I like Orton, I didn't like his reign, and I guess it's refreshing to see a fresh world champ, even if it's The Miz
Edge and Kane's storyline is confusing. Is Kane still the heel here? Lawl, But this kidnapping of Bearer was growing tiresome, and I'm glad he's finally disposed of ( hopefully ). I'm pretty sure of months of acting like a heel and getting cheered, Edge is going to win at TLC. I wouldn't be surprised if he "cheated" to win it, and still get cheered......ah, probably only Edge can do something like that nowadays and get cheered. I mean, especially if he kidnaps people's father and tortures them and gets cheered LOL But it does seem like Edge is more of a tweener than a face.
Looks like David is going to obscurity and Tyson could POSSIBLY be going somewhere with that Diesel-like bodyguard. Even though Kelly Kelly of all people completely destroyed him at The Slammy Awards.
Morrison/Sheamus feud will come to an end with HHH returns. Morrison really needs to improve on the mic or stay away from it. King Sheamus also has a nice ring to it.......to think he won though after already being so established as a former WWE Champion and feuding with main eventers. Only reason he did was likely to just feud with The King of Kings.......some sort of King rivalry is going to happen once again.
I hope Del Rio wins, need to build up his status if Rey is going away soon. The feud itself is ok I suppose.......but I'm not a huge fan of Rey since 2005. I could see Del Rio becoming world champion probably sometime in 2011.
"The Common Cold Isn't So Common During The Cold"