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Forums - Sony Discussion - OFFICIAL: 40Gb Announced!!!

DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
What PS2 games does everyone want to play cuz I'm not understanding the seriousness of this. The last game worth playing on my PS2 was God of War 2. So what games are people playing on their PS2? Also, how often does anyone here play their PS2 and how often do you think you will when you have a next gen system? mr marc, all PS2 games are not ugly but 95% of them are. I can really only call GoW 1 and 2, FF ten and eleven, Shadow of the Colossus, DMC, and that's about it. There may be some other gems I have forgotten but that's the gist of it. The rest are ugly or look better on the original XBOX (Such is the case with any multiplatform title such as Madden or NBA Live or most games released on both platforms) or Gamecube (Such is the case with RE4)

KH, KH2, Shadow Of The Colossus, FF10, FF12, RE4, DMC3, ICO, GT4, Persona 3... are these enough?

@darthdevidem, wait so the 360 can fully software-emulate XBOX titles and the PS3 can't emulate PS2 titles? B-But "teh power of teh CELL!!!one!11!"???


1) how many people really want to play those games?

2) I'm sure there aren't three or four million peole who want to play those games.

3) Also, if you already have a PS3 [Your sig says your PSN ID] why do you care that there is no BC for the
40GBversion, you already have your bc on ur PS3.

1) Millions.

2) You shouldn't.

3) Sorry, i didn't know that since i already have a PS3 i don't have the right to comment on Sony's growing idiocy.


If you really think millions of people are STILL clamoring to play those games you mentioned, you are wrong. I don't even think five hundred thousand peole want to pay those games or have waited this long to play them. If by now, you haven't bought and played FFX for four years or KH then you're never gonna buy it. The reason you can't commet is because it doesn't matter to you. YOU have your bc, ur just trying to flame because you have nothing to do in your boring life except not be happy for people like me who have a PS2 and wanted the PS3 price to drop and don't care about BC cuz I have a PS2.

Allow me to remind you that you have no idea about my life and if it's boring or not. I just hate to see the company i've supported since 1996 drop like a rock in the public's eyes. And it's only gonna get worse.


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gamingdevil said:
jjseth said:
"I really don't care, I didn't buy a PS3 to play PS2 games. That's like buying a Porsche and only driving it in a parking lot at walmart."

I bet even with a Porsche the parking lot at walmart would be his most visited place if it had a bunch of hot chicks ;)

Have you seen many hot chicks at wal mart who were not trash? You are more likely to find the fat, ugly, and disgusting women there then you would hot chicks. If I had a Porsche and wanted to get chicks, I'd just hang out in the parking lot of some club and find a drunk hot chick that way.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
What PS2 games does everyone want to play cuz I'm not understanding the seriousness of this. The last game worth playing on my PS2 was God of War 2. So what games are people playing on their PS2? Also, how often does anyone here play their PS2 and how often do you think you will when you have a next gen system? mr marc, all PS2 games are not ugly but 95% of them are. I can really only call GoW 1 and 2, FF ten and eleven, Shadow of the Colossus, DMC, and that's about it. There may be some other gems I have forgotten but that's the gist of it. The rest are ugly or look better on the original XBOX (Such is the case with any multiplatform title such as Madden or NBA Live or most games released on both platforms) or Gamecube (Such is the case with RE4)

KH, KH2, Shadow Of The Colossus, FF10, FF12, RE4, DMC3, ICO, GT4, Persona 3... are these enough?

@darthdevidem, wait so the 360 can fully software-emulate XBOX titles and the PS3 can't emulate PS2 titles? B-But "teh power of teh CELL!!!one!11!"???


1) how many people really want to play those games?

2) I'm sure there aren't three or four million peole who want to play those games.

3) Also, if you already have a PS3 [Your sig says your PSN ID] why do you care that there is no BC for the
40GBversion, you already have your bc on ur PS3.

1) Millions.

2) You shouldn't.

3) Sorry, i didn't know that since i already have a PS3 i don't have the right to comment on Sony's growing idiocy.


If you really think millions of people are STILL clamoring to play those games you mentioned, you are wrong. I don't even think five hundred thousand peole want to pay those games or have waited this long to play them. If by now, you haven't bought and played FFX for four years or KH then you're never gonna buy it. The reason you can't commet is because it doesn't matter to you. YOU have your bc, ur just trying to flame because you have nothing to do in your boring life except not be happy for people like me who have a PS2 and wanted the PS3 price to drop and don't care about BC cuz I have a PS2.

So why is PS2 outselling PS3 every month if there is less than 500k people that want to play PS2 games ?

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
What PS2 games does everyone want to play cuz I'm not understanding the seriousness of this. The last game worth playing on my PS2 was God of War 2. So what games are people playing on their PS2? Also, how often does anyone here play their PS2 and how often do you think you will when you have a next gen system? mr marc, all PS2 games are not ugly but 95% of them are. I can really only call GoW 1 and 2, FF ten and eleven, Shadow of the Colossus, DMC, and that's about it. There may be some other gems I have forgotten but that's the gist of it. The rest are ugly or look better on the original XBOX (Such is the case with any multiplatform title such as Madden or NBA Live or most games released on both platforms) or Gamecube (Such is the case with RE4)

KH, KH2, Shadow Of The Colossus, FF10, FF12, RE4, DMC3, ICO, GT4, Persona 3... are these enough?

@darthdevidem, wait so the 360 can fully software-emulate XBOX titles and the PS3 can't emulate PS2 titles? B-But "teh power of teh CELL!!!one!11!"???


1) how many people really want to play those games?

2) I'm sure there aren't three or four million peole who want to play those games.

3) Also, if you already have a PS3 [Your sig says your PSN ID] why do you care that there is no BC for the
40GBversion, you already have your bc on ur PS3.

1) Millions.

2) You shouldn't.

3) Sorry, i didn't know that since i already have a PS3 i don't have the right to comment on Sony's growing idiocy.


If you really think millions of people are STILL clamoring to play those games you mentioned, you are wrong. I don't even think five hundred thousand peole want to pay those games or have waited this long to play them. If by now, you haven't bought and played FFX for four years or KH then you're never gonna buy it. The reason you can't commet is because it doesn't matter to you. YOU have your bc, ur just trying to flame because you have nothing to do in your boring life except not be happy for people like me who have a PS2 and wanted the PS3 price to drop and don't care about BC cuz I have a PS2.

Allow me to remind you that you have no idea about my life and if it's boring or not. I just hate to see the company i've supported since 1996 drop like a rock in the public's eyes. And it's only gonna get worse.


They're not dropping like a rock, they're trying to help the consumers out who want a PS3 by getting the price down. Just keep your PS2 hooked up to your TV if playing PS2 games over and over is that important to you.

I think the "if" made clear that i was making an hypothesis, also in Greece there are no Wal-Marts so i have no idea what kind of women hang out there, and with my statement i mean that even if the PS3 has great games the PS2 (Wal-mart park lot) has lots of AMAZING games (hot chicks) that do not deserve to suddenly disappear and be thought as "ugly" sights.

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Or better yet, buy the 60 or 80gb versions of the PS3 if it's that important to you. Now those who don't want to pay a premium for BC don't have to get it if they will never use it.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

I bought a ps2 for the fact I could play some ps1 games as well as ps2 games. Im a pretty big fan of Final Fantasy. I have FF 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10-2. & 12 and all of those games collectively was the reason i bought a ps2. I love old games I have just as much fun with FF1 as I do with FF12.

I don't find this version of the ps3 attractive in the fact i couldn't play my ps2 games on it. I shall pass this one along.

"Everyone else see's the Joker laugh; only Harley has ever seen him cry."- Arleen Sorkin


In an hour of Darkness a blind man is
the best guide. In an age of Insanity
look to the madman to show the way.
- - Warhammer 40,000 rule book

gamingdevil said:
I think the "if" made clear that i was making an hypothesis, also in Greece there are no Wal-Marts so i have no idea what kind of women hang out there, and with my statement i mean that even if the PS3 has great games the PS2 (Wal-mart park lot) has lots of AMAZING games (hot chicks) that do not deserve to suddenly disappear and be thought as "ugly" sights.

In that case, then I'd drive my 1987 Camaro Iroc Z28 (PS2) to "wal-mart" to pick up those "hot Chicks" (amazing games). Good thing I still have my launch PS2. ;) And you are a very very lucky person that there are no Wal Marts there. They are a plague on society. You are more likely to see fat 20 year old girls riding those little motorized carts because they are too fat to walk down the aisles then you are to run into a 20 year old hottie in a Wal Mart. So sad, but so true.


Get your Portable ID!


My pokemon brings all the nerds to the yard. And they're like, "You wanna trade cards?" Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade this, but not my charizard.

People are forgetting that the 60gig is 50 euro more than the 40 gig WITH BC, 2 games and a sixaxis.

Didja get that thing I sentcha?

DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
What PS2 games does everyone want to play cuz I'm not understanding the seriousness of this. The last game worth playing on my PS2 was God of War 2. So what games are people playing on their PS2? Also, how often does anyone here play their PS2 and how often do you think you will when you have a next gen system? mr marc, all PS2 games are not ugly but 95% of them are. I can really only call GoW 1 and 2, FF ten and eleven, Shadow of the Colossus, DMC, and that's about it. There may be some other gems I have forgotten but that's the gist of it. The rest are ugly or look better on the original XBOX (Such is the case with any multiplatform title such as Madden or NBA Live or most games released on both platforms) or Gamecube (Such is the case with RE4)

KH, KH2, Shadow Of The Colossus, FF10, FF12, RE4, DMC3, ICO, GT4, Persona 3... are these enough?

@darthdevidem, wait so the 360 can fully software-emulate XBOX titles and the PS3 can't emulate PS2 titles? B-But "teh power of teh CELL!!!one!11!"???


1) how many people really want to play those games?

2) I'm sure there aren't three or four million peole who want to play those games.

3) Also, if you already have a PS3 [Your sig says your PSN ID] why do you care that there is no BC for the
40GBversion, you already have your bc on ur PS3.

1) Millions.

2) You shouldn't.

3) Sorry, i didn't know that since i already have a PS3 i don't have the right to comment on Sony's growing idiocy.


If you really think millions of people are STILL clamoring to play those games you mentioned, you are wrong. I don't even think five hundred thousand peole want to pay those games or have waited this long to play them. If by now, you haven't bought and played FFX for four years or KH then you're never gonna buy it. The reason you can't commet is because it doesn't matter to you. YOU have your bc, ur just trying to flame because you have nothing to do in your boring life except not be happy for people like me who have a PS2 and wanted the PS3 price to drop and don't care about BC cuz I have a PS2.

Allow me to remind you that you have no idea about my life and if it's boring or not. I just hate to see the company i've supported since 1996 drop like a rock in the public's eyes. And it's only gonna get worse.



They're not dropping like a rock, they're trying to help the consumers out who want a PS3 by getting the price down. Just keep your PS2 hooked up to your TV if playing PS2 games over and over is that important to you.

 Oh yes? Try playing with a PS2 in a 40" LCD TV and then come tell me you don't need BC. As i stated i don't give a sh!t about graphics (polygons, lighting etc...) but i DO give a shit about my eyes, and my eyes can't stand a jaggy, blurry image.

@jjseth, that's okay but we see Sony pushing the HD era SO MUCH, and at the same time we can't play PS2 games in HD. Is that making any sense to you? The PS2 on LCD's is litterally unplayable.