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Forums - Sony Discussion - OFFICIAL: 40Gb Announced!!!

Chadius said:
No BC gonna's hurt them, a lot.

If I only have room in my living room for one Sony Brand console, I want it to play as many games as possible. Right now all of my Sony games can be played on the PS2. If I get the new model, I'd like to keep that ability. The $400 PS3 doesn't let me do that. So I either need to find more room, or I need to drop my PS2 collection.

Sure, I COULD get the $500 PS3, but that's $500. I'm not paying $100 for BC.

Since many casuals have the PS2 and its games, they're still not going to move, assuming they would pay $400 anyway. And assuming they won't buy the $280 X360 Arcade pack (since that isn't BC with PS2 games, either.)

Good luck Sony, you'll need it.

where do you live? if your in the UK you get 2 games in the bundle. 

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so your saying this 40GB Ps3 will Fail because SONY listened to people n lowerd the price

BUT won't let you play OUTDATED & INFERIOR games

WHich are OBVIOUSLY MORE IMPORTANt than all that uncharted, ratchet n haze crap coming out

WII FANBOYS, the wii's doing well, I don't see why you should be worried

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If you think no backwards compatibility is not going to hurt them you are stupid. But hey, it is PS3 fanboys defending their system, what are you gonna do?

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@Fkusumot: LOL

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So because it is on the PS2 it is inferior?

Are you a Sony Fanboy, PS3 fanboy, or Graphics whore darthdevidem?

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DMeisterJ said:
darthdevidem said:
I have to the CONCUSION of thinking that this is getting RIDICULOUS

I don't beleive sum people are considering BC more important then BLU-RAY

n the Ps3 games

I DID NOT say I don't play PS2 games just cus of the bad grfx

but what gameplay on Ps2 is there now, where the Ps3 doesn't have a game like that

FPS - Resistance

Racing - Motorstorm/dirt

RPG - Oblivion

now if your some1 who keeps playing FFX over n over again on your Ps2, it's not SONY's problem

LET GO of the ps2 now

Thank you so much for that comment, everything I have been saying is summed up by that comment.

You guys are part of the 'because graphics told me too' crowd, arn't you. Personally I think that if getting rid of BC is what allows them to make a lower price point, that's a good idea. It gives an option. An option for those that either already have a PS2 or don't care about those games that you two apparently think they need to 'let go of'. But to say BC doesn't matter at all is wrong. BC is part of the reason I decided to get a Xbox 360. Then I had access to 2 generations of xbox video games that I did not have before, I never had an original Xbox. And I bought 10 regular 'years old' xbox games right away. The lower priced non-BC PS3 is a good option to add. But don't believe that BC doesn't matter to consumers at all.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Hey I'm no fanboy, as you can see on my sig, I have an XBOX live account and am an avid player of Halo 3 on my bro's 360 but I am defending the PS3 against dumb comments.

I agree, who want's to play outdated and infeior games and now R&C, Haze, Uncharted, GT5, Killzone 2, MGS4, LBP, etc?

People still want PS2 games. There still good games being released. Some people only have a PS3. THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THIS GROUP. Getting rid of backwards compatability when good games are releasing is absolutely stupid because THESE people will buy those games. THERE ARE PEOPLE IN THAT GROUP. There is no reason to get rid of it because it is a great feature if you don't want to pay extra for two systems.

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Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you

darthdevidem said:

so your saying this 40GB Ps3 will Fail because SONY listened to people n lowerd the price

BUT won't let you play OUTDATED & INFERIOR games

WHich are OBVIOUSLY MORE IMPORTANt than all that uncharted, ratchet n haze crap coming out

WII FANBOYS, the wii's doing well, I don't see why you should be worried

Inferior games? Wow. Well, if all that matters to you is newer and more powerful, then thats what matters to you. But I believe plenty of gamers don't find older games inferior.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)


I support SONY & Nintendo

thats it

This BAckwards Compatibility Whining seems more Fanboyish of wii guys to me than anything else

HELL if you wanna BUY NEW PS2 games instead of NEW PS3 games I suggest you don't even buy a nex-gen console

@Dmeister J

thanks, at least someone understands

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My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million