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Forums - Sony Discussion - OFFICIAL: 40Gb Announced!!!

celine said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
gamingdevil said:
DMeisterJ said:
What PS2 games does everyone want to play cuz I'm not understanding the seriousness of this. The last game worth playing on my PS2 was God of War 2. So what games are people playing on their PS2? Also, how often does anyone here play their PS2 and how often do you think you will when you have a next gen system? mr marc, all PS2 games are not ugly but 95% of them are. I can really only call GoW 1 and 2, FF ten and eleven, Shadow of the Colossus, DMC, and that's about it. There may be some other gems I have forgotten but that's the gist of it. The rest are ugly or look better on the original XBOX (Such is the case with any multiplatform title such as Madden or NBA Live or most games released on both platforms) or Gamecube (Such is the case with RE4)

KH, KH2, Shadow Of The Colossus, FF10, FF12, RE4, DMC3, ICO, GT4, Persona 3... are these enough?

@darthdevidem, wait so the 360 can fully software-emulate XBOX titles and the PS3 can't emulate PS2 titles? B-But "teh power of teh CELL!!!one!11!"???


1) how many people really want to play those games?

2) I'm sure there aren't three or four million peole who want to play those games.

3) Also, if you already have a PS3 [Your sig says your PSN ID] why do you care that there is no BC for the
40GBversion, you already have your bc on ur PS3.

1) Millions.

2) You shouldn't.

3) Sorry, i didn't know that since i already have a PS3 i don't have the right to comment on Sony's growing idiocy.


If you really think millions of people are STILL clamoring to play those games you mentioned, you are wrong. I don't even think five hundred thousand peole want to pay those games or have waited this long to play them. If by now, you haven't bought and played FFX for four years or KH then you're never gonna buy it. The reason you can't commet is because it doesn't matter to you. YOU have your bc, ur just trying to flame because you have nothing to do in your boring life except not be happy for people like me who have a PS2 and wanted the PS3 price to drop and don't care about BC cuz I have a PS2.

So why is PS2 outselling PS3 every month if there is less than 500k people that want to play PS2 games ?

*Kick him when he's down*. The ignorance of some people around here is really a joke.

@DMeisterJ, you really have some nerve don't you?!! So, Wild Arms 5 which have only been released like a month ago int he US, is just a figure out of the past? Same goes for Persona 3, which got 90+ scores... but hey... who cares.. its last gen, its out of date, it should be destroyed right away... So as soon as Kingdom Hearts Final Mix + will release in the West.. burn it!  

Don't make me laugh.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

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DMeisterJ said:
W29 said:
I don't give a rats butt about Blu-ray, I just bought a 20 inch LCD 720p HDTV. In order to view Blu-ray movies you need a 1080p HDTV. I don't have the money and I can care less again on the Blu-ray format. On the games side, I still see no reason for a purchase. FFXIII is way far away for being released and MGS4 is getting ready to come out. If MGS4 doesn't do enough good sales then the PS3 is questionable on the future and winning 2nd place.

Right now Sony really do need to rethink their strategy as on the gaming side. Microsoft has done a good job at keeping a regular DVD player in the 360. Because they know millions if not millions, trillons of people have a DVD player and know about a DVD player. Blu-ray is new and questionable. On a gaming side its good as far as storage. But having a Blu-ray player now and having to own a 1080p TV just to look at Blu-ray movies is rather gay.

I will continue to be on standby and not warrant a purchase on the PS3. I don't even have a desire to even trade in my 360 for a PS3. Now that is sad considering I stuck with the PS brand since PS1 and PS2 and PSP. PS3 is just a questionable console in my opinion.

First, there are only six billion people in the world trillion is over 999 billion so that comment is wrong. Also, this conversation is not about the blu-ray format. This is about whether the bc is a dealbreaker for the price to be dropped. The question is do you care that it does not have bc. Whether or not Blu-Ray or HD-DVD will win is unknown. And whether or not YOU see the reason for a purchase does not matter. This price is for the person (me) who was not on the fence of buying it but didn't have the money to pay for it now that the new model has came out (hopefully to the america's with the $399 price tag) I will definetly take that price and buy that PS3. Why would anyone trade a 360 for a PS3? We all know 360 (for now) has the games and has a better public opinion but I believe this price may help some consumers.

Who knows if Sony releases a $400 bundle. Everyone kept saying 400...400...It ended up being 400 euros. First I was stating my opinion on the Blu-ray subject so really you can STFU! seriously.

Now on to your buying. I can care less about your purchase. Your not the mass market, so you buy what you buy. I'm saying that at a price of $400 for no BC in it, thats a shame. Thats one of the reasons why PS2 sold so well. Games wasn't out like that at the begining of the PS2 lifecycle. But when everyone knew it could play PS1 games, sales went skyrocket and people had no choice but to buy the PS2. It was a PS brand name, DVD player, PS1 games, and avaliable at a measly price of $300. So really I see the reason PS2 was so damn successful.

Buy what you buy. I'm just a little worried that the $400 your using will be $400 down the drain. But again my opinion and its your opinion against mine. Happy $400 40GB PS3 hunting. 8) 

Dodece said:

Great way to take a comment out of context you get a silver star. I do not think I said that the source was wrong, or that the information was wrong. I said that the person who was a poster on another forum might be hoaxer, and that could explain their comments. Which should be obvious to anyone that read my post. The fact that there are hoaxers out there should serve as ample incentive to not reward them by doing their work for them. Those are words of wisdom nothing more. They are also common sense when it comes to the internet.

@Sony Boosters.

This is bad news for the Playstation brand. Backwards compatibility has always been one of their greatest sales features. They instantly went from a library of thousands of titles. To a library with less then a hundred. How can that be a good thing it takes away choices from consumers. Further more it hurts developers that lose long term sales off bargain titles. Finally they have generated less incentive for current loyalists to move up.

I am not entirely shocked that Sony did that. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt, and part of me wanted to see them do something smart for a change. Unfortunately it seems they are more intent on selling a format rather then maintaining a consistent high quality experience.

Really shocked that some of you are not offended by this, and more importantly disheartened to see that many think this is a good idea. I am even more disturbed by the fact that your defending the logic Sony is using. Being gamers you should know better, and more importantly cherish your old games much more then you obviously do.

I have personally seen Sony pull similar stunts to this in the past. I would have thought they had learned by now. Obviously they have not learned anything about loyalty to your dedicated customers. This is actually fantastic news for Microsoft and Nintendo. Their libraries are now huge in comparison, and Sony has broken its covenant with gamers.

I can't wait for the first week of sales. I will make a prediction that the surge in sales will be no more then twenty five percent. This new unit will rot on shelves, and the sales of the other two consoles will do much better over the long run. Sony just abandoned its previous generations customer base.

 You got that right. Agreed on all points, DMeisterJ should take a look at this.

W29: Where you expecting 400$ Ps3 in Europe? Wii cost around that price in Europe. Stop flashing around with the price tag all the time and making into Sony overcharging the ps3 in Europe. All consoles cost more in Europe.

W29 said:
DMeisterJ said:
W29 said:
I don't give a rats butt about Blu-ray, I just bought a 20 inch LCD 720p HDTV. In order to view Blu-ray movies you need a 1080p HDTV. I don't have the money and I can care less again on the Blu-ray format. On the games side, I still see no reason for a purchase. FFXIII is way far away for being released and MGS4 is getting ready to come out. If MGS4 doesn't do enough good sales then the PS3 is questionable on the future and winning 2nd place.

Right now Sony really do need to rethink their strategy as on the gaming side. Microsoft has done a good job at keeping a regular DVD player in the 360. Because they know millions if not millions, trillons of people have a DVD player and know about a DVD player. Blu-ray is new and questionable. On a gaming side its good as far as storage. But having a Blu-ray player now and having to own a 1080p TV just to look at Blu-ray movies is rather gay.

I will continue to be on standby and not warrant a purchase on the PS3. I don't even have a desire to even trade in my 360 for a PS3. Now that is sad considering I stuck with the PS brand since PS1 and PS2 and PSP. PS3 is just a questionable console in my opinion.

First, there are only six billion people in the world trillion is over 999 billion so that comment is wrong. Also, this conversation is not about the blu-ray format. This is about whether the bc is a dealbreaker for the price to be dropped. The question is do you care that it does not have bc. Whether or not Blu-Ray or HD-DVD will win is unknown. And whether or not YOU see the reason for a purchase does not matter. This price is for the person (me) who was not on the fence of buying it but didn't have the money to pay for it now that the new model has came out (hopefully to the america's with the $399 price tag) I will definetly take that price and buy that PS3. Why would anyone trade a 360 for a PS3? We all know 360 (for now) has the games and has a better public opinion but I believe this price may help some consumers.

Who knows if Sony releases a $400 bundle. Everyone kept saying 400...400...It ended up being 400 euros. First I was stating my opinion on the Blu-ray subject so really you can STFU! seriously.

Now on to your buying. I can care less about your purchase. Your not the mass market, so you buy what you buy. I'm saying that at a price of $400 for no BC in it, thats a shame. Thats one of the reasons why PS2 sold so well. Games wasn't out like that at the begining of the PS2 lifecycle. But when everyone knew it could play PS1 games, sales went skyrocket and people had no choice but to buy the PS2. It was a PS brand name, DVD player, PS1 games, and avaliable at a measly price of $300. So really I see the reason PS2 was so damn successful.

Buy what you buy. I'm just a little worried that the $400 your using will be $400 down the drain. But again my opinion and its your opinion against mine. Happy $400 40GB PS3 hunting. 8) 

Maybe it was just me but when I bought my PS2, I didn't care about backwards compatablility. I bought mine in October of 2003 when granted, there were a lot of pS2 games out ther but at that point in time, I didn't have money to go and buy games from the PS1 era to play on my PS2. I hardly ever used my PS2 for PS1 games. It didn't make sense to buy a PS2 to play PS1 games. If people are going to be playing PS2 games so much, they should not buy a PS3 then. If the bc is so important then you (not you W29, just people who are still on this bc subject) are still in the last gen and don't need a next-gen system. I just don't understand what the whole problem with no bc is, I still cannot understand it. Just play your PS2 until you are done playing it then buy a PS3 then... It's not that serious people.

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No BC gonna's hurt them, a lot.

If I only have room in my living room for one Sony Brand console, I want it to play as many games as possible. Right now all of my Sony games can be played on the PS2. If I get the new model, I'd like to keep that ability. The $400 PS3 doesn't let me do that. So I either need to find more room, or I need to drop my PS2 collection.

Sure, I COULD get the $500 PS3, but that's $500. I'm not paying $100 for BC.

Since many casuals have the PS2 and its games, they're still not going to move, assuming they would pay $400 anyway. And assuming they won't buy the $280 X360 Arcade pack (since that isn't BC with PS2 games, either.)

Good luck Sony, you'll need it.

There is no such thing as a console war. This is the first step to game design.

We are forgetting that many people like to trade in their old systems (XBOX1 for a 360, GC for a Wii and PS2 for a PS3) because they save money on their new system and get to keep their favs from the last gen. People will be less likely to buy this cause the do not save that $50 (somewhere in that area) for the trade in.

Getting an XBOX One for me is like being in a bad relationship but staying together because we have kids. XBone we have 20000+ achievement points, 2+ years of XBL Gold and 20000+ MS points. I think its best we stay together if only for the MS points.

Nintendo Treehouse is what happens when a publisher is confident and proud of its games and doesn't need to show CGI lies for five minutes.

-Jim Sterling

Dodece said:

Great way to take a comment out of context you get a silver star. I do not think I said that the source was wrong, or that the information was wrong. I said that the person who was a poster on another forum might be hoaxer, and that could explain their comments. Which should be obvious to anyone that read my post. The fact that there are hoaxers out there should serve as ample incentive to not reward them by doing their work for them. Those are words of wisdom nothing more. They are also common sense when it comes to the internet.

 Were you posting a hoax FAQ?

I don't know how clear it will be for customers that this version has no BC with PS2 titles, but I do know that if it isn't very clear, there will be tons of pissed off people (some of whom will try to return their consoles).

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

CDiablo said:
We are forgetting that many people like to trade in their old systems (XBOX1 for a 360, GC for a Wii and PS2 for a PS3) because they save money on their new system and get to keep their favs from the last gen. People will be less likely to buy this cause the do not save that $50 (somewhere in that area) for the trade in.

I don't feel like ignoring posts. I forgot about this point, but really a good one to mention it.

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo