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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 getting a 360 favorite

mario64 said:
Yeah, it's an AAA title (90+ on Metacritic), so it's definitely a great game, no wonder people are happy.

On the subject of AAA games, 360 desperately needs one this year as exclusive :

PS3 exclusives AAA full games in 2009 : 2 (Killzone 2 and MLB 09)
360 exclusive AAA full games in 2009 : 0

It seems 2009 was the year of the PS3, like 2008.

Yes..Lower sales = better years


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Congrats to the PS3 owners. :P

@Zizzla : It must be great playing 'sales' on your 360 all the year while PS3 owners play their great exclusives. I'm sure sales make Gears of Wars 2 less broken online.

Lmao here we go now on how Braid sucks and such.

can't wait for Track Season 2009/2010, guna beast out!


mario64 said:
Yeah, it's an AAA title (90+ on Meta), a great game.

On the subject of AAA games, 360 desperately needs one this year as exclusive :

PS3 exclusives AAA full games in 2009 : 2 (Killzone 2 and MLB 09)

360 exclusive AAA full games in 2009 : 0

It seems 2009 was the year of the PS3, like 2008.

lol. If this is your logic you will be sorely disappointed come the holiday season.

Don't count the 360 out just yet

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@Xigmund : yeah, those fanboys are the most predictable I know.

@strategykind : well no I don't think so.

GT5 and Uncharted 2 will be AAA, so I don't see how the 360 could come back this year even with Forza and Splinter Cell: conviction... I don't think Forza will be 90+ on metacritic by the way, so the gap for the PS3 exclusives could even increase before the end of the year.

mario64 said:
@Zizzla : It must be great playing 'sales' on your 360 all the year while PS3 owners play their great exclusives. I'm sure sales make Gears of Wars 2 less broken online.

The Patch is coming...Or came..I have not checked...

And It's great that These ore the numbers for the major AAA games




Sweet numbers


Exactly when will one PS3 exclusive game hit Gears of War 2 numbers?


I thought Braid was already on PSN. I guess that is what I get for thinking.

@Sizzla : Sales, I play sales on my 360 !!

I absolutely don't care about sales as long as I've got the best games. ;)

Or you should play Wii Fit, it has the best sales, killing everything on 360.

Exactly when will one 360 exclusive game hit Wii Fit numbers?