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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - IGN AU Wii Sports Resort review

Well, it is a Nintendo game. What did everyone expect?

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You know what I KNOW it's a fan thing to use reviews as a means to either prop OR down a console, but between the flack of the Conduit's reviews, and now Wii Sports Resort it's being to become ignoring.

...Game reviews games are like Movie REALLY don't know if you will like it unless you try it yourself. RENTAL PEOPLE!!!

...Personally I'm going to get WSR cause I know my son will LOVE IT, and I will have fun playing it with him.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

darthdevidem01 said:

disappointing yet again

gosh, why did I not buy an xbox 360 instead of a wii!!

Please the new zelda better be good!

Hey don't sweat it man, I REALLY don't think WSR would be for you. Did you get a chance to play Punchout?

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

Faxanadu said:
Well, it is a Nintendo game. What did everyone expect?

Now that's not fair, Nintendo still makes a lot of great games.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Faxanadu said:
Well, it is a Nintendo game. What did everyone expect?

Now that's not fair, Nintendo still makes a lot of great games.

WTF? You're joking, right?



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Some reviewer dared give a Wii game a low review score.
Burne their hourse, hang them low !

And you Nintendo kids think you are cool....

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Funny how the thread reviews for Punchout! didn't get NEARLY the attention...

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

darthdevidem01 said:

disappointing yet again

gosh, why did I not buy an xbox 360 instead of a wii!!

Please the new zelda better be good!

Because 360 don't have Wii Sports.

Come on, you know you can barely breath because you want this game so much.

And, I heard that the new Zelda Wii will be Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Resort. You know what that means...

--OkeyDokey-- said:
bardicverse said:

Oh, those angry Aussies. I remember when I lived there. So biased, a lot of them. Hell, I had one actually try and insult me just n the spec that I was American - and this was before the Iraq war and 9/11. I think the heat makes them crazy. No telling what was up the reviewr's butt, since its winter down there.

@maykissthebride - I see you're somewhat new here. It's usually for the best to ignore Okey's posts when it's a Wii related topic, he's a cheerleader for any negative Wii news. I recommend WordsofWisdom's ignore script.

Why is that you all immediately scream bias when 99% of you haven't played the game, there are virtually no other reviews to compare this to and nothing in the past gives us reason us to believe this reviewer is a "Wii hater"?

I give up. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Wii Sports Resort is perfect and this review is full of shit. I know better than this person who has played the game extensively over the past few weeks despite the fact that I myself have never even been close to touching it in my life!

Beyond the game review

That's funny. Because I'm sure that reviewers for gaming sites do the same things we do here, and understand the market the same way we do. They know that WSR isn't for the "hardcore". If I can realize that WSR is just for people looking to have a good time in sessions with their friends, I'm sure that the guys at IGN realize this too. That being said...this game just MIGHT not be that great. Is that hard to understand?

If that is the case, then why didn't they review it based on what the market wants in the game rather then some arbitrary standards that IGN thinks are importaint? Basically, they didn't write it for consumers or with their readers in mind.

And this is why I hate gaming press.

Australians get confused easily because they live upside down.

6.5 actually equals 9.2 which is in line with Nintendo Power.

(or is it 2.9?)

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