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Forums - Sony Discussion - Five reasons why the PlayStation brand is kiddy and not hardcore

WheelStriker said:
Pathetic thread.

So I guess the xbox brand isn't kiddy and hardcore, even though it has the copycat avatars, the upcoming kodu game, and, oh, NATAL. Yes natal. The motion control periperal which intends to aim a more broader audience and less on the hardcore. Sounds a lot like the wii.

Why do you trust people with a Kim Possible avatar?

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Some people takes things to seriously XD

WheelStriker said:
Pathetic thread.

So I guess the xbox brand isn't kiddy and hardcore, even though it has the copycat avatars, the upcoming kodu game, and, oh, NATAL. Yes natal. The motion control periperal which intends to aim a more broader audience and less on the hardcore. Sounds a lot like the wii.

Listen, I am not joking, I am just using Rol's popular thread to get an answer to this: Can you recomend me at least 5  actual good 360 exclusive games designed for kids? ( I am sure PS3 has at least 20 )

whatever it was good for a laugh.

I am tempted to do an article explaining why GTA4 is a mature title. And it isn't for the drive bys and what not. I has to do with the constant need to run errands, and meet the needs of annoying friends, and putting up with the bad things they do that get you in trouble.

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since when does hardcore = violence?

I'm pretty sure all those games you mentioned involve pressing more than kastl.

I thought hardcore meant "fun for more than an hour"

So, you're saying you can't have fun for more then an hour with casual games? Oh boy...

Rol is the only person here who can make troll threads and not get banned for it. Try making ''wii is kiddy'' thread and you'll get banned, no questions asked.

its a joke

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

RolStoppable said:

It's no secret that Nintendo has the image of being kiddy, but what many of you probably don't know is that Sony isn't really that much different. So today you'll learn the shocking truth about the PlayStation brand. It isn't as hardcore as some of you might think, in fact there are plenty of things which prove that it is actually kiddy. That being said, here are five excellent reasons why the PlayStation brand is kiddy and not hardcore:

1. Their biggest franchise is rated E for Everyone - The Gran Turismo games have sold more than 50 million copies, because they can reach a broad audience. This was only possible because Sony and Polyphony Digital didn't go down the road of mature gaming and refused to add hardcore features like drive-bys.

2. Sackboy - This little guy is sooo cute. He has been the star of Sony's flagship title for the most recent holiday season which once again shows that Sony's priority aren't the hardcore gamers. Another game that is rated E for Everyone.

3. Eight Days vs. Eye Pet - The former game, a potential action blockbuster, was cancelled in favor of a pet simulation. That's something to think about. I wouldn't go as far as calling this Sony is the abandoning the hardcore gamers, but... actually it's exactly just that.

4. The face buttons of their controllers - Instead of using letters to name their buttons like it's commonly done on video game controllers, Sony decided to use geometrical objects. This without a doubt points to their target demographic being young kids. They can't read, but they can recognize triangles, circles, crosses and squares (or like I call them: Dreieg, Kreis, Kreiz, Kastl). Seriously, having a Kastl button is definitely not hardcore, it makes you sound like a five year old.

5. The new PSP bundle - If this doesn't make you question the hardcoreness of the PlayStation brand, then I don't know what to say anymore. You must be blind if you can't see what's going on.


RolStoppable are you sayng that PS3 is for kids????


Killzone 2 (the best FPS on the market) is for kids??? 

Resistance 1 and 2 are for kids???  

InFamous  is for kids???  

Uncharted 1 and 2 are for Kids??? 

MAG (the outstanding war game for 256 players online) is for Kids??? 

Siren Blood Course is for Kids??? 

Time Crisis 4 is for Kids???

Warwawk is for kids???

SOCOM Confrontation is for Kids??? 

God of War 3 is for Kids???


My response is: lolololololololololol


If you want to be a Hardcore gamer, buy a PC because Consoles are all the same ****.


Is strange that you dont talk about a lovely game named "LIPS". Oh I forgot...that game is for hardcore "wanabe's" (lololololol)


Uncharted & The Last of Us 

(Definitely, best games of last Gen)