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Forums - Sony Discussion - Five reasons why the PlayStation brand is kiddy and not hardcore

zaMy said:

3) Sony isnt abbandoning hardcore gamers at all, they are trying to get a wider gaming audience, and since they already have so many hardcore games they want to get other types of games that appeal to others. Sony doesnt like to milk franchises (nintendo) like the other companies do, so they come up with new ideas and new games instead of having the same type of games every generation.

*Looks at your avatar*Yeah how many ratchet and Clank games has  Sony released on there Playstation platform Over And over  again last gen and this gen???

Surely over 10 games including the spinoff games on the PSP and on the PS2....Yeah Sony doesn't milk the franchise alright.

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Dark_Rulez89 said:
zaMy said:

3) Sony isnt abbandoning hardcore gamers at all, they are trying to get a wider gaming audience, and since they already have so many hardcore games they want to get other types of games that appeal to others. Sony doesnt like to milk franchises (nintendo) like the other companies do, so they come up with new ideas and new games instead of having the same type of games every generation.

*Looks at your avatar*Yeah how many ratchet and Clank games has  Sony released on there Playstation platform Over And over  again last gen and this gen???

Surely over 10 games including the spinoff games on the PSP and on the PS2....Yeah Sony doesn't milk the franchise alright.

I think you get the best post of the day award.

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

Bah... I always read Rols threads and will do it next time. The post about expanding his audience was funny

But! On the serious side on the issue, I am sure that next to the 360 tha playstation is the more kiddie console between the HDs. You know, I have a Wii, and my family-father-and-son playing needs are very well satisfied. Recently I bought a 360, mostly for myself, and man, I got to tell you, I have spent a very hard time trying to pick up at least 3 decent titles for my son and to play together!

So, In a few words...

Nintendo is the absolute king of videogames for every one else AND KIDS

Sony may be a little more adult, but it sure has plenty of titles adecuate for kids

And finally... Microsoft is the king of gore and "mature" stuff, not that there's anything wrong with it because people like me kind of like it, but, they are wasting a huge marketing opportunity ignoring the kids!

I dare you! Tell me five good 360 exclusive games for kids!

Lol, why has this thread turned into a Nintendo milks their franchises and only make kiddy games?

Atleast Nintendo makes better first party games then Sony ;) That's all I'm going to say about this. I also find it extremely funny how sony fanboys never mention Metroid in a discussion like this. Oh, I wonder why... Let's not forget about zelda as well? Or punch out making fun of countries? Fire emblem? Excite truck? Batallion wars 2? Super smash bros brawl?  It's easy to insult Nintendo of making kiddy games if you ignore all the not kiddy games.

Samus Aran said:

Lol, why has this thread turned into a Nintendo milks their franchises and only make kiddy games?

Atleast Nintendo makes better first party games then Sony ;) That's all I'm going to say about this. I also find it extremely funny how sony fanboys never mention Metroid in a discussion like this. Oh, I wonder why... Let's not forget about zelda as well? Or punch out making fun of countries? Fire emblem? Excite truck? Batallion wars 2? Super smash bros brawl?  It's easy to insult Nintendo of making kiddy games if you ignore all the not kiddy games.

They dobnt bring Metroid in to the argument because the only way to bash it is through it´s sales and if they do use that argument they cant say that sales doesnt equal quality.

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They can't bash the sales because it sells better then most ps3 games lol.

Moonhero said:
Wait... was I one of the eight? I don't get it...

You're one of the counterproductive early posters.  The best course of action in a Rol thread is to play along in an attempt to help Rol out.  Duh.  Did you not read your handbook or something?

But it was so funny...

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.

It's more funny if you pretend what he says is true

It's not true?

Ask stefl1504 for a sig, even if you don't need one.