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Beoulve said:

I look Emo in this :P It's a couple of years old though


I thought you looked a bit like Russell Crowe in this one :)

Mario Kart Wii Friend Code: 3308-4850-9342 / STEAM ID: makepeacefox

"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

"Watchmen" is far better than The Dark Knight / Why does no-one own this wonderful game: Fragile Allegiance? / Speak (Type) Italian to me!

Disloyal member of the LFGM

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@Makepeacefox: He doesn't look pissed off enough to be Russell Crowe.

Did VGC 2.0 fix this thread? Or did I just doomed myself to an ever-orange thread once again?

Signature goes here!

axumblade said:
TruckOSaurus said:

@Makepeacefox: He doesn't look pissed off enough to be Russell Crowe.

Did VGC 2.0 fix this thread? Or did I just doomed myself to an ever-orange thread once again?


That's what I thought... well maybe that'll force me to post some pics of me sometime in the future.

Signature goes here!


Damn I'm a sexy beast

Makepeacefox said:
Beoulve said:

I look Emo in this :P It's a couple of years old though


I thought you looked a bit like Russell Crowe in this one :)

didn't see that one coming, lol

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37 inch vertical. The boy has hops!

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

@ axumblade


I took the first one the night before I posted it, so that's what I look like now :P


Well since we're talking about looking completely different between pics...

I think this one's way too different compared to all my other pics xD


Riot Of The Blood said:

37 inch vertical. The boy has hops!

what does that haircut say?

zero is what it looks like