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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which *New* Super Mario game will win when all is said and done?

The DS version will win by a mile in sales. It's got such a long head start, after all.

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DS game will score higher. This in spite of the Wii game being much more fun because of multiplayer alone. But since game reviewers are hardcore and hardcore have no friends, they won't play multiplayer but claim they did anyway. To make reviewers look foolish, the Wii game will outsell the DS game.

NSMBW! It'll probably hook me just like LBP. I'll spend all day long screwing over my friends in hilarious ways for points (or in this case, coins).

No, you would lose. A lot.

Come to think of it, we've never played LBP together, have we? We so need to do that. ^_^

I've recently become readdicted to the game because of the Ico pack. :P

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Just stickers and other random crap. But it made me start playing again, as well as a few other guys on my PSN list, and now we're hooked. There are so many new levels out there. xD

Haha, so would I.

I think the Wii version will get marked down heavily for the graphics.

So I think Sales and Review wise, the DS will come out on top.

DS in all categories, except for forum stuff.

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Wii wont score as high. Sales, I'm still unsure. I'm leaning towards DS but I keep thinking about how well Mario Kart Wii has sold.

NSMB was the first 2D Mario in a long time. NSMB is one copy per player, NSMB Wii is one copy for upto 4 players. However, this is Super Mario Bros we're talking about and I think the multiplayer aspect will be what makes it huge. Holiday season '09, lots of parties, Wii get's switched on, NSMB get's played, everyone buys it. I think word of mouth will make this a big hit.

Mario Kart Wii is 10M ahead of MK DS from launch. I never thought MK Wii would have done so well, so I'm going to go with NSMB Wii. I like to think it could do MKWii numbers but I think it will be lower.

I predict 12M first year putting it ~2.5M higher than NSMB DS from launch.

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