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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Official: ( Forza 3 ) Thread

New pitpass podcast

Edit: Just finished listening to it, lot's of new info. Some stuff talked about; Auto Brake does not make you faster, if you use the clutch wrong you can damage your transmission, LB is clutch on controllers, they want to release a car and writeup everyday till launch but won't because the community will get mad, lots of talk about multiplayer, auto upgrade can quickly change the class of your car, they talk about some sort 'garage system' where your car is in a beautiful environment and it will go into a screensaver mode where will do pans and stuff. Listen to it for more details and info.

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matt247 said:

Nice vid...  very nice..

PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

matt247 said:
New pitpass podcast

Edit: Just finished listening to it, lot's of new info. Some stuff talked about; Auto Brake does not make you faster, if you use the clutch wrong you can damage your transmission, LB is clutch on controllers, they want to release a car and writeup everyday till launch but won't because the community will get mad, lots of talk about multiplayer, auto upgrade can quickly change the class of your car, they talk about some sort 'garage system' where your car is in a beautiful environment and it will go into a screensaver mode where will do pans and stuff. Listen to it for more details and info.

Wow what a podcast.

Man that clutch thing. Even the top PC sims dont have that much realism in their games yet. Actually break your transmission if you dont use the clutch pedal properly. AMAZING. This is the MASSIVE steps forward that I was looking for in this gens racers.

God this is getting ridiculous!  The graphics look actually life-like.   This is probably gonna end up being the best racing game i've ever played ( of course Dirt 2 is gonna give it a run for its money though)

--OkeyDokey-- said:
matt247 said:
Here's a couple more that I found

Bah. I thought this was a Holden from the rear >_>

It kinda is. It's the Holden Commodore they rebadge as a Pontiac and export to the USA. However with the Pontiac brand now getting wound up by General Motors, it may get rebadge another GM brand now if they decide to keep bringing it into the country.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

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Most interesting thing I took from that Design Walkthrough video is that there will be over 400 cars from 50 manufacturers and over 100 tracks. That's massive.

Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

Some impressions from people who have played it

^They love it so far!

Trumph the insult comic dog during Bonnaroo at the xbox tent (longer version of the one seen on Conan's show)