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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The rumors were true: Nintendo games can now play themselves!

I think it's a good thing. This way they can make games with harder levels for the core gamer and with this, the casuals will be able to play through it as well.

Switch Friend Code - 3664 - 9964 - 9777

Smash Ultimate Alias - Happy Lion

Mains: Donkey Kong, King K. Rool, Diddy Kong

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tedsteriscool said:
Good thing its optional because that shit is ridiculous. What ever happened to feeling rewarded and accomplished for completing a difficult level? My God...

ummm...its still there b/c if you use it your not the one beating the level or your post....= fail


kowenicki said:
Not sure what to think here.... its good but its also bad... hmmm. ?????

It prevents a frustrating purchase, but it dumbs down sooo much and renders different difficulty levels pointless.

You are wrong on both counts.

The game doesn't have to be dumbed down, in fact they can make it as hard as they want to with this feature. It's only dumbed down for those who choose to use this option. Each person is responsible for either dumbing the game down or not.

It doesn't render difficulty levels pointless, except for those who use the feature a lot.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

really sad day for gaming

if you cant game, dont game

if you want to watch something, rent a movie

a lot cheaper, then 60 bucks to watch mario jump around afor a few hours

Last year's game of the year turned out to be Silent Hill : Shattered Memories (online GOTY was COD 6).  This year's GOTY leader to me is Heavy Rain.

Wii Friend Code: 4094-4604-1880-6889

Ah stuff it - I think it is perhaps taking hand holding too far, or, as Mr Incredible put it so well it has the scent of 'Celebrating Mediocrity'... but in the end it's just for a videogame so what the hell.

At least I won't have to worry about my kids pestering me to complete the 'tricky' bits of levels anymore (well, my youngest anyway).

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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I love this idea. Sometimes i just want to watch the game play like i watch a movie. Some levels are boring and i can just skip it. Some of the nerds on here are acting like this is taking their manhood away. At the end of the day NERDS they are video "GAMES" that you can find in Toys "r" Us and are only for entertainment not life achievements. Get over it!

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Pyramid Head said:
really sad day for gaming

if you cant game, dont game

if you want to watch something, rent a movie

a lot cheaper, then 60 bucks to watch mario jump around afor a few hours

MY GOD!!!!!


You don't understand it at all do you, it's to get past an obstacle not to watch the whole game play itself. I can't see how you can't graps something simple like that. And even if there are people who let the game play it all for themselves they apperently enjoy it otherwise they wouldn't do it. It's optional!!!!!

Pyramid Head said:
really sad day for gaming

if you cant game, dont game

if you want to watch something, rent a movie

a lot cheaper, then 60 bucks to watch mario jump around afor a few hours

It's safe to assume that you won't buy Forza 3 with its "one-button racing" option, right?


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Soriku said:

It's optional, so it's all good

Trolls are gonna come in here regardless though...

LOL, what did you expect?Buy a game to watch it?

But war... war never changes

tyig said:
Soriku said:

It's optional, so it's all good

Trolls are gonna come in here regardless though...

LOL, what did you expect?Buy a game to watch it?

Sometimes i would like to just watch.  Games like MG, SH, RE, Fatal Frame.

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