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It's all in the Shape to Volume Ratio....a perfect boob has a shape to volume ratio (1:1), where the shape is proportional to the volume.

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Big breasts = sag + backpains. My personal preference is A-B range. C doesn't bother me but I don't think gravity would spare them... Anything above, imo, is rediculous and looks weird.

Also, unnatural ones not only initially cost a lot but they will cost for the rest of their lives as there can be complications and re-making them. CA-CHING! $$$ Plus, it says so much about a women. She must have very little confidence and a deformed view on beauty (she believes she isn't pretty because she doesn't have big ones).

Media and Porn industry keeps showing women with big ones, calling it sexy. Then it makes men and women think it's the one thing that's attractive, small ones aren't pretty, and thus putting an unrealistic standard into society. (This could also be said about many other things as for example weight and ageing).

It's great to see some feedback from the opposite sex.

Oh and in theory, breasts aren't sexual human parts. They're simply there to feed infants.

How on Earth did I miss a 3 page thread about boobies?

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lolita said:
Oh and in theory, breasts aren't sexual human parts. They're simply there to feed infants.

yeah, but they also serve a function as what's called a secondary sexual feature. meaning, although they arent directly involved in sex, they play a role in female stimulation and in initial male attraction.

im not arguing, im just adding to what you said

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.
lolita said:
Oh and in theory, breasts aren't sexual human parts. They're simply there to feed infants.

Why can't boobs have multiple functions, like other parts of the human anatomy?

Seriously, who doesn't enjoy a good titty fuck on occasion? :P

lolita said:
Oh and in theory, breasts aren't sexual human parts. They're simply there to feed infants.

You are correct. A long time ago, breasts were enlarged only due to the food supply for babies. But...evolution realised that they were also sexually attractive to men. Thus, they began to get bigger, as to have an advantage over others when it comes to mating. I read a whole article on that...interesting stuff.

lolita said:
Big breasts = sag + backpains. My personal preference is A-B range. C doesn't bother me but I don't think gravity would spare them... Anything above, imo, is rediculous and looks weird.

Also, unnatural ones not only initially cost a lot but they will cost for the rest of their lives as there can be complications and re-making them. CA-CHING! $$$ Plus, it says so much about a women. She must have very little confidence and a deformed view on beauty (she believes she isn't pretty because she doesn't have big ones).

Media and Porn industry keeps showing women with big ones, calling it sexy. Then it makes men and women think it's the one thing that's attractive, small ones aren't pretty, and thus putting an unrealistic standard into society. (This could also be said about many other things as for example weight and ageing).

The fun part is, most men don't even enjoy boobs that are out of whack when it comes to shape-body ratio. Honestly, a petite girl weighing at... 100 pounds or so and a cup D just lookds weird. The porn industry especiall does not have taste.

@ the whole infacy thing, that's just evolution - bigger boobs (and hips aswell) mean that the chances of survival for an infant are bigger. They are therefor prefered by males for baby-making

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Well mine aren't big so no "titty fuck" on top of that I don't see how it could feel good for a women. It's only nice for the guy.

@ D_Boy: Some guys like small ones.