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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

Hey, cool post, Dodece. Thanks for taking the time to write that.


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Dodece said:

The Playstation was actually the byproduct of a joint Nintendo Sony venture. Which Nintendo had decided to back out of. So Square might have had an expectation that the 64 would be a disc based system. However I think the true culprit wasn't the limitations of the technology more then it was the expense of the formats in question.

Sony held three critical advantages. Firstly their format was incredibly cheap to manufacture as in it costs less then two dollars to stamp, and case a disc. Secondly Sony had a buy back policy. A seller could return an unsold copy of a game, and get their money back. Thirdly Sony could lower prices until a product was sold.

Nintendo held three critical disadvantages. They used proprietary carts. So they got a good double gouge on developers. First the licensing fee, and then the manufacturing fee. Carts are actually quite expensive to manufacture, and I think but am not positive that the price was over ten dollars per cart. So Nintendo could not honor a buyback policy you cannot just meltdown carts, and shove them back in the press. Finally with the up front cost it was, and I am sure you can attest to this very slow to go down. Whereas a PS1 game could be as low as fifteen to twenty dollars a year after launch. The 64 game would languish at its original price point for two or more years. They rarely went below twenty, and that is when a seller just wanted to eat the loss, and get rid of the game.

So Square had a fairly easy decision to make. They could make more money with Sony. Take less risk with Sony. Then they also could have a strong secondary market with Sony. They could sell their game at different price points, and almost always show a profit. Sony gave developers a lot of opportunity.

This generation the situation is somewhat reversed. This generation its Sony putting road blocks in front of developers. Their format is the most expensive, and their technology is by far the most expensive to develop for. Finally their price point discouraged consumers, and even when they did buy they had less ready cash to purchase games for the console. Both of which limits sales of games.

You can find more in this article.


Sorry if I came off rough, but the Square being a mercenary comment has been the standard line for Sony fanatics who take it out on Square, because Sony is losing the console war. Square just didn't do anything to deserve it. They never have. They have just been the whipping boy of fans for as I am sure you can attest for the last dozen years.

Thank you for taking the time to set my mind straight. I didn't think about Square and the situations they have been put in back with the N64 and PS1 up until now with the 360, PS3, and might I add the Wii. I take back my statement on relating Square Enix to a mercenary, it was a lazy and ignorant thing to post.

look, the mgs series does belong on ps consoles. even if xbox, or whatever system gets mgs, who cares. i know i don't.

I just want Kojima to announce a trophy patch for MGS4.... Thats all I want.

lol wow... infamous8, u have balls
although i dont think MGS4 will go to xbox 360, i wouldnt publically go out and ask for trouble/flaming from the 360 fanboys.
we are outnumbered! lol

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TheTruthHurts! said:
Money speaks louder than words and past quotes, especially in these trying times. Last years FFXIII E3 announcement for the 360 proved, anything is possible this generation.

Even if it is released for the 360 I will still maintain the series on my PS3, but I only hope it goes multi-platform. The more people who can experience the series the better.

Money speaks,lol


Konami isn't greedy even in these time and the times are improving now,the recession is gonna be over by years end.And anyways Konami is in a healthy position.Other companies like Sqaure Enix go for the money cause they know that they know their games are not worlking anymore with the public and only way they can be in the market is by taking money from MS and make games exclusives for them.

Smashed said:
seece said:
Smashed said:
Hey anyone want to put me in their sig?
Quote me on it.
Microsoft's Xbox 360, will NEVER get a Metal Gear Solid game exclusively to their console.

Nobody wants to quote you

Oh, they will.

Dude there's like one person that acutally thinks that any MGS could be a 360 exclusive...and i'm pretty sure its the xbox man.

Why do you think there are so many people that think that??

infamous8 said:
MS lost Ninja Gaiden, Lost Planet, BioShock, Fallout 3 DLC...

Ms PAID for those to be timed exclusives. Sony never paid for any of those games you listed to be exclusives.

IIRC MS even paid Tecmo to develop Ninja Gaiden as well as have it as a timed exclusive. Hence, MS paid for a game to be made that later came out on the Ps3. LOL!

Lol at your hideous double standard.  Last I checked I can still play all of those on my 360 so MS didn't LOSE anything.  Remember your previous post?


infamous8 said:
Sony didnt LOSE any thing. They all came out/are coming out on Ps3, excluding Star Ocean

Tekken 5 BTW is on Ps3, but not 360...

axumblade said:
infamous8 said:
seece said:
infamous8 said:
richardhutnik said:
jesus kung fu magic said:
Thechalkblock said:

We all know Square Enix is as loyal as a mercenary, they'll do anything for money. Kojima is different, even when it would have been a good idea to make MGS4 mult-plat back in the day he didn't do so, and even as times get worse I can't imagine him going against what he has stood for in the past, loyalty.

"Hello,car dealer,can I buy a ferrari? Im short on cash but have a bucketload of LOYALTY."

kung fu takedown FTW!

How about a simple deal here? How about Sony fanboys STOP whining for Valve stuff, or Mass Effect, to end up on the PS3, and Microsoft fanboys stop demanding Metal Gear appear on their console?

Of course, this is a futile request on my part, so carry on with the whining.

Actually, I rarely, if ever, see Sony fans whining about Valve stuff or Mass Effect.


Most Sony fans are like "whatever. MS can keep that crap. We dont need it. We have way more exclusives coming our way anyways"

SORRY? Crap? Mass Effect and Lft 4 Dead are not crap ... I pray someone takes you up on that bet and you lose. MGS4 on the 360 and you off the forums for a year yes please.

LOL@this cry baby

How his he a "cry baby" for pointing out that Mass Effect and Left 4 Dead aren't crap? Dood, When a 360 game gets put on the PS3, the PS3 fanboys sit there and rub it in their faces. Not only that but whenever the 360 gets an "exclusive" the PS3 fans freak out and act like it's coming out on their console. (i.e. - Mass Effect 2, Lost Planet 2). I'm not saying that they aren't possibly doing it but come on, the Ps3 fans are just as bad about this stuff as the 360 fans are.

Sometimes I think PS3 fans can be worse than 360 fans. And by the way Axumblade, Lost Planet 2 is most likely coming to PS3 as it was on the PS3's E3 list.

Hey, the new countdown timer on Kojima Productions "Next" site now flashes an "8".  Also, it's sunny.  Finally, the new countdown ends appx. 14 hours of me posting this message, which in turn is appx. one hour an a half after the Microsoft pressor is set to end.  Make of that what you will.

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