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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

Onyxmeth said:
Thechalkblock said:
Khuutra said:
ssj12 said:

do you really want to include the original Metal Gear.. that story and game was horrid. Even Kojima turns his blind eye to its existance.

For gamers the series started as MGS. Yes there are alternative stories like Acid but any alternative or new stories should include an added letter following MG to stay consistant.

No. Wrong.

Kojima has expressed multiple times that he finds "Metal Gear Solid" to be an albatross around his neck: he wanted to make more Metal Gear, not Metal Gear Solid 2, which is a big part of why that game flipped the bird to fans so many times. Metal Gear Solid was just one part of the Metal Gear saga, it just spiraled out of control due to fan and corporate pressures to continue the story under that moniker.

Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising are equivalent. One is not greater than the other, it's just needlessly longer. They are both subservient to the Metal Gear franchise.

Well put.

That makes me wonder, will Metal Gear Rising become a new series?

I'm fairly sure Raiden is the continuation of the series. Everyone saw it coming after playing MGS4 anyways. Snake's story is done with. They beat the retirement line to death throughout the last game, and it seems legit. Kojima made Snake a less and less engrossing character. Frankly I can't stand another game with Solid Snake as a silent, coughing and wheezing old man that can't find the strength to question orders any longer. He was entirely complacent. I'm not a big fan of Raiden either, but someone with some personality needs to continue the series as the main character if they feel they can't kill the franchise off. Better Raiden than Snake at this point.

If it were up to me though, I'd make the next Metal Gear star Drebin as a gun laundering world traveler that must stealthily drive his vehicle within range of Solid Snake as Snake beats the B&B Corps so he can deliver a well timed Codec message that lets Snake know of their origins. Also there would be a side game where you play as the monkey and try to swindle cigarettes and colas off people.

Yeah, Snake's time is up. I wonder what gameplay is going to be like in MGR.

Your idea for the next Metal Gear is pretty interesting, a stealth game utilizing a vehicle with camo, and a cigarette-loving monkey. I would buy it lol

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dcIKeeL said:
Thechalkblock said:
Khuutra said:
ssj12 said:

do you really want to include the original Metal Gear.. that story and game was horrid. Even Kojima turns his blind eye to its existance.

For gamers the series started as MGS. Yes there are alternative stories like Acid but any alternative or new stories should include an added letter following MG to stay consistant.

No. Wrong.

Kojima has expressed multiple times that he finds "Metal Gear Solid" to be an albatross around his neck: he wanted to make more Metal Gear, not Metal Gear Solid 2, which is a big part of why that game flipped the bird to fans so many times. Metal Gear Solid was just one part of the Metal Gear saga, it just spiraled out of control due to fan and corporate pressures to continue the story under that moniker.

Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Rising are equivalent. One is not greater than the other, it's just needlessly longer. They are both subservient to the Metal Gear franchise.

Well put.

That makes me wonder, will Metal Gear Rising become a new series?

Actually, that makes complete sense. For a while now Metal Gear Rising will be the continuing of the metal gear universe and all main storyline games will carry this moniker. It'll be MGR, MGR2: blank title, MGR3, etc. MGS will be rendered obsolete and retired into the pantheon of the greatest series(plural) video games offer.

Sounds good to me.

Khuutra said:
ssj12 said:
Onyxmeth said:
ssj12 said:

I've watched some friends beat the games... so I have kowledge of. And yes I sat there and watched for like 10 hours straight for each game till they beat them. I just haven't seen MGS2 for ages.

And I though Young Snke = Solid Snake in a younger form or was he just another clone of Big Boss.

So now that you recall MGS2, you realize your point has no bite, correct? MGS: Rising could very well be the next main title in the MGS storyline.

If by Young Snake, you mean the main character of MGS3, that is Naked Snake, and that is the man that would become Big Boss.

Well it is no longer a stealth game like the main franchise. Plus the mian franchise it would be MGS5: Rising. I think this is a side-story to fill in some gaps in the main MGS story.

You cut that out.

There is no more Metal Gear Solid.

The series is Metal Gear. Metal Gear Solid was just a story arc. Now it's over.

The next Metal Gear is Metal Gear Rising.

This is not complicated.

The problem is, If i'm not mistaken, the next Metal Gear game is call Metal Gear Solid: Rising.

I'm posting in this Legendary Thread!

Man, that is funny... I nominate Infamous for the "Day 1 E3 fanboy". Only two more days to go... and then we will nominate the ultimate fanboy-meltdown.

Please mods, don't ban him!

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


toru_bozu said:
Khuutra said:

You cut that out.

There is no more Metal Gear Solid.

The series is Metal Gear. Metal Gear Solid was just a story arc. Now it's over.

The next Metal Gear is Metal Gear Rising.

This is not complicated.

The problem is, If i'm not mistaken, the next Metal Gear game is call Metal Gear Solid: Rising.



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axumblade said:
BladeOfGod said:
I don't why the 360 fans are being so "in your face ps3 fanboys", a lot of ps3 fans predicted the next MGS to be multiplat, but their point was that MGS4 will stay an exclusive which it is to this day.

It's just this thread that was created just to "spite" 360 fans but it ended up backfiring.

Well than, pick on infamous8, not on ps3 owners ( and fanboys ) who have nothing to do with this thread

Since when has metal gear became THE game?
It gets as much hype as that new mario game announced today :P

Talk about living up to your screenname :)

You are really infamous now.

Vaio - "Bury me at Milanello"      R.I.P AC Milan

In the 60's, people took acid to make the world weird.
Now the world is weird  and people take Prozac  to make it normal.

If laughing is the best medicine and marijuana makes you laugh

Is marijuana the best medicine?

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

“If any creator has not played Mario, then they’re probably not a good creator. That’s something I can say with 100 percent confidence. Mario is, for game creators, the development bible.

so now that mgs:rising is confirmed multi-platform, are you still gonna say 360 owners are getting a crappy spin-off mgs game??

siphor1987 said:
so now that mgs:rising is confirmed multi-platform, are you still gonna say 360 owners are getting a crappy spin-off mgs game??

This thread no longer exists in his eyes, but here's a link to his new and improved one:


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