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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kojima is a Sony fanboy + Why MGS main series will not be on 360

jesus kung fu magic said:
s1lverFoX said:

i registered just to tell this guy he was complete fail




Dude got owned.

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lolz!!  I predict that he isn't goina be gracing these forums for a while.  

Mendicate Bias said:
He's a joke flat out. He claimed he didn't play his 360 any more and that he didn't like L4D so I offered him $15 for it and he said sure then proceeded to ignore every single message I sent him asking how he wanted to do the transaction.

So infamous what do you make of Kojima saying that from now on every single MGS game will make an appearance on the 360?

I think infamous has reached the point where he's lied to himself so much that he actually believes his lies and is confused why every one else is laughing at him. That or he's just down right a very dense person.

Do you have a link that states ALL FUTURE MGS games are coming to the 360. I doubt ALL, just some.

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Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

You guys are so mean, but this might be the biggest FAIL ever. It came crashing so fast. lol

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Congrats 360 owners for getting MGS Rising. Now you can stop bitching about MGS4.

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mhsillen said:
"Konami is a business, but Kojima is an ARTIST."

Please, he is a nerd programmer
The Artists eat and buy gasoline,    Welcome to the real world..  



''Halo reach''.. sell 7.m first week ,Believe¡¡¡¡¡¡







Man, posting cuz I only read the first couple of pages when he started the thread and now its beyond that so it must be a good read to come back to

What are you looking at, nerd?
point x said:
mhsillen said:
"Konami is a business, but Kojima is an ARTIST."

Please, he is a nerd programmer
The Artists eat and buy gasoline,    Welcome to the real world..  

You have to realize this announcement doesn't affect anything at all. The PS3 has MGS4. MGS: Rising is a spin-off title. You do not playing as the main character of the MGS franchise which is Solid Snake.

Thats like taking Halo and playing as a basic soldier watching Master Chief own while previde cover fire.

Yes this will be a massive seller but it is still not the main franchise.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

Geez, this thread has gone way too far lol

axumblade said:
yo_john117 said:

lolz!!  I predict that he isn't goina be gracing these forums for a while.  

He'll be back. I can almost guarantee it.


I think everyone knows his persona by now. He'll just twist things around and make it look like someone else is at fault. After running out of things to say, he'll progress to name calling, laugh at you and tell you that you ride a short bus. During that whole time, he'll ignore anything logical that anyone says to prove him wrong. After that, he'll stop responding to the thread so it gets tucked away and hope people will forget. Then go make another flame bait thread.

There's no arguing with a fanboy. I have to admit, they are pretty entertaining though.


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