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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bethesda announcing ‘really big’ Wii game this year

Kasz216 said:
Morrowind with motion controls would be my first guess.

That would be a simple port. Far Cry was brought over to the Wii seamlessly.

I remember there was talk about bringing Oblivion to the PSP (which never happened). It would be interesting to see that game on the Wii.

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Galaki said:
Oblivion 2 Remake.

Remaking a game that doesn't exist. That'd be a first :P

Amazin, after Redwood and Ancel now another AAA western team working on a Wii game. Bring it on! I wouldn't mind a Fallout...

Crosses fingers for an epic WRPG to be announced for Wii.

"To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health, for as long you shall be resurrected from death in the church"

what's funny is that Bethesda has only made three games for Nintendo platforms, Wayne Gretzky Hockey, Home Alone and Where's Waldo on the NES. they published Star Trek Conquest and the DS Tactical Assault, and a bowling game too.

so the news alone is big

the words above were backed by NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

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well they were hinting about their wii project months ago, so. personally i would like to see some western rpg on the wii, but i doubt we would see exclusive games as big as Elder Scrolls series or Fallout 3 - it's way too much risk(at least if they would want to make it like F3 and Elder Scrolls series - first person action rpg). Morrowind port is out of question too - they would be laughed if it would be their really big announcement - it's almost 8 year old game. the only way they could go away with Morrowind game would be if they not only would release it with built in all expansions but, also better graphics and a lot of new quests, places, weaponry, enemies and so on(basically additional exclusive wii content should be as big as Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansion sets combined)

i guess that it will be new exclusive take on Fallout franchise - maybe Brotherhood of Steel 2?

If Bethesda makes an Elder Scrolls style game with OK graphics ( like monster hunter 3 ) and a good use of WM + on Wii, I travel to Washington and make sweet love to all of them, developper, PR staff, cleaning personal, I don't care.



How can 720p be considered HD when it looks like ugly snow grains on my 22'' screen?



that cool wii geting a big game .



please click  dragons and eggs


fallout: extract til you drop legends chroncicles

the ultimate spin off

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


A WRPG on the Wii would be nice !