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Forums - Sales Discussion - If it does end up being Forza vs GT5 at Christmas (I know how original)

yo_john117 said:
RPG said:
yo_john117 said:
twingo said:
yo_john117 said:
Killzowned said:
Gran Turismo will destroy Forza in sales and quality.

you don't know that...



But given what history shows GT being of higher quality is the educated guess. 

Yamauchi is a perfectionist.

2. Playstation 2: Gran Turismo 4 (2005) 89 
Sony Computer Entertainment America

3. Playstation 3: Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (2008) 80 
Sony Computer Entertainment

6. Playstation 2: Gran Turismo 4: Prologue (2004) 70 
Sony Computer Entertainment

what? >_>


WOW 2 prologues ang an 89, reaching are you not? Unless your trying to be funny of course.


nope just simply proving him  wrong nothing more...

Nobody can say GT5 will be better than Forza 3, we can't know that.

Now if he would have said i think GT will be better than Forza 3, that would have been acceptable.


Nahh you are reaching out dude, including prologue review proves that.

4 Gran Turismo games have a average of 93.52, 2 Forza games have a average 91

Its just basic logic, going by that the educated guess is GT will be of better quality.


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seece said:
Kantor said:
GT, by a long way. Perhaps even double Forza 3's sales.

Anybody who thinks otherwise is delusional.

Not really, there are are whole range of things that can happen between now and christmas. Its just very very very likely GT will win this one hands down. Not delusional though to think otherwise ...


Care to name any of these things that could happen between now and Christmas which could prevent GT from heavily outselling Forza?

GT getting canceled. Duh. :P

@Wholikeswood  Lets see,bigger gap,Heavy advertising something that Sony never does.



makingmusic476 said:
GT getting canceled. Duh. :P

Haha, yep. That is the only thing.


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GT5 First week sales will equal Forza 3's first month sales. I would be willing to bet on this with anyone.

luisgvm said:
why cant we just hope both games end up being great and both end up selling well?.

Because the PS3 is in a place where it is said that Sony needs SOME genre where it still rules in sales and so on.  Gran Turismo has been the driving version of Halo.

In regards to the question, if Forza 3 does come out this year, I will say there is a good chance it will BLOW AWAY GT5 (full, not Prologue) by a WIDE margin THIS Christmas.  This is because there is a GOOD chance that GT5 won't come out this year.

I would say that the sales figures would be comparible of KZ2 to Halo 3 in regards to how it turns out.  In this case GT5 (full) would end up being like Halo 3, while Forza 3 is like KZ2.  Of course, it may be closer, if Gran Turismo is not longer all that, due to the extent the number of driving sims that have appeared.

Racing Games on the ps3 is like FPS on the x360 (sales wise)

FPS dont do as well on ps3 as they do on x360 even if they are better
so the same would go for racing games


GT5 will sell 3.2million + first week on ps3 (made 06 March 2010)

FFXIII Versus will have higher Metacritic scores than FFXIII after the first month.... Bet going on with perpride - loser changes sig for a month

KH3 will be PS3 EXCLUSIVE - willing to bet removal from vgchartz for a month

Racing games just just as well if not better on 360 so no idea what your on about. :/


Killzowned said:
Gran Turismo will destroy Forza in sales and quality.

Disagree if GT5P is anything to go by. Graphics yes. Physics and gameplay no.


GT5 should theoretically sell more. However Forza 3 would be very close indeed. I am predicting GT5 to have the lowest sales of any GT game. Dont think it will be much past 6 mill for GT5.