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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 already maxed out? Lair devloper thinks so!

"According to a Factor 5 developer who worked on Lair on the PS3, Lair pushed the limits of what the PS3 can do."

The developer believes that the game Lair, which has received horrible reviews, pushed the console as hard as it can stand to be pushed. Personally i believe that its got a bit more in in, just as the 360 is starting to see games looking better than Gears, the PS3 will see games looking better than Lair....or maybe not according to Factor 5.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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Mind you the lair developer also believed that ghosts were fucking with him. Those guys are border line delusional, there is still untapped power in the PS3 and like the other two consoles games will improve over the generation.

Blah, what a ridiculous statement. That developer is going to be laughed off the development planet.

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WOW the generation just started, how can he say a statement like that?!? It doesn't even make since!!!

he probably isn't lying, in term of their coding, that is.

messy codes can hog up mem/cpu usage.

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Galaki said:
he probably isn't lying, in term of their coding, that is.

messy codes can hog up mem/cpu usage.

 Yea could be, but its to early to make judgement and say the hardware is maxed out.

Meh!!! That seriously make me not buy Lair now. I heard Lair was a flop.... They just need to face it and make a better game :P

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Do these guys have any friends left on the planet ???




Lol, probably not. Are they second party? They could be half-right, the PS3 just doesn't have the power to have all the "potential" Sony are claiming, but to say you cant get anything more out of it is pretty ridiculous.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

This is Factor 5 ... Their Gamecube launch game was one of the most technically impressive games of the last generation. I'm not saying that he is right, but the one thing they did do well with Lair was push the PS3 hardware and I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of PS3 developers could not ever do any better.