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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Is there ANYTHING to look forward to on 360 this year???

infamous8 said:
ozsman said:
I'll help you out, quit posting troll threads...

It's not a troll thread.. It's an honest question that I, and all other 360 owners, have the right to ask.

I believe when you have this in your post: Alright guys, contrary to what some may think, I'm not a blind fan boy. I own a Ps3 and a 360. 360 used to be my favorite, but I've gotten really bored of it lately.  And you now have Killzone 2 as your avatar AND inFAMOUS in your signature, people are going to wonder if you are trolling. 

Anyhow, you will need to wait until AFTER E3 (or during as XBox fanboys go gaga and hype up things on here while it is going on), to find out answers.  Microsoft hasn't said much of anything now.  If it is NOW, then Sony ends up having a better launch window this year for their system.  I am not sure I bought any games released this year for the 360 released on the shelves (NO, I didn't buy Halo Wars), but I did buy Killzone 2, which I am keeping.


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NeoRatt said:
BxN said:
NeoRatt said:
I think these threads should stick to announcements made by vendors that have specific ship quarters or dates assigned to them NOT YEARS or TBDs on their web sites.

Unless you have been under a rock since this generation started there are only a few games that have been promised by companies that have shipped in the year they were said to. In 2009, all we have for facts (on XBox.COM and on retail exclusive content are:

- Battlestations Pacific
- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST
- Velvet Assassin

For PS3:
- Killzone 2
- inFamous

Sorry people... All the rest is hopeful thinking and too many people having way too much time on their hands to be brain washed with marketing literature.

So just because a game has no official date, it means it's going to be delayed to 2009 ? It makes no sense.

Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank are both going to make it in 2009 and you know it.

So it makes more sense to believe a bunch of marketing trailers with no dates and corporate "sources" giving us verbal ship dates? 

I am confident Unchartered 2 and R&C will ship this year...  But, they have not been posted yet as sure things...  What makes them anymore believable then God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake or MAG, etc.?


The fact that Naughty Dog has said in an interview that the game would ship before Chrismas ? Also, the leaked gamestop list with Uncharted listed in September ?


The fact that Insomniac ALWAYS deliever one game per year, why would it be different this time around ?


And it's pretty obvious that there's at least one or two of those games that are going to come out in 2009, I'm thinking about Heavy Rain here, Quantic Dream clearly said it was coming out in 2009 in their latest interview .


But then again, I don't have the sources because I'm too lazy to dig them up, but I'm sure you could easily do it yourself just by checking on IGN.

BxN said:
NeoRatt said:
BxN said:
NeoRatt said:
I think these threads should stick to announcements made by vendors that have specific ship quarters or dates assigned to them NOT YEARS or TBDs on their web sites.

Unless you have been under a rock since this generation started there are only a few games that have been promised by companies that have shipped in the year they were said to. In 2009, all we have for facts (on XBox.COM and on retail exclusive content are:

- Battlestations Pacific
- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST
- Velvet Assassin

For PS3:
- Killzone 2
- inFamous

Sorry people... All the rest is hopeful thinking and too many people having way too much time on their hands to be brain washed with marketing literature.

So just because a game has no official date, it means it's going to be delayed to 2009 ? It makes no sense.

Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank are both going to make it in 2009 and you know it.

So it makes more sense to believe a bunch of marketing trailers with no dates and corporate "sources" giving us verbal ship dates? 

I am confident Unchartered 2 and R&C will ship this year...  But, they have not been posted yet as sure things...  What makes them anymore believable then God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Alan Wake or MAG, etc.?

The fact that Naughty Dog has said in an interview that the game would ship before Chrismas ? Also, the leaked gamestop list with Uncharted listed in September ?

The fact that Insomniac ALWAYS deliever one game per year, why would it be different this time around ?

And it's pretty obvious that there's at least one or two of those games that are going to come out in 2009, I'm thinking about Heavy Rain here, Quantic Dream clearly said it was coming out in 2009 in their latest interview .

But then again, I don't have the sources because I'm too lazy to dig them up, but I'm sure you could easily do it yourself just by checking on IGN.

Until the announcements are made to investors or posted on their web sites everything you mention is speculation...

Mass Effect 2 is dated on Gametstop as December 31....  Battlefield Bad Company 2 as well...  Splinter Cell Conviction June 30th... Gamestop lists are not reliable...  Last year Sony bragged The Agenecy would ship for Christmas at E03 last year.  Microsoft bragged that Ubisoft had Splinter Cell Conviction ready to go for Christmas.  If you believe them then you are in their trap.

I agree Naughty Dog and Insomniac are top notch in delivery...  but so is Rare, Bungie, Turn 10, and many others that haven't said a thing on the 360 side.  and I'm sure if you go through all the PS3 first party developers the same thing is true for many of them as well. 

All I have to say is look at this generation's track record.  Year after year we saw Killzone 2, Alan Wake, Too Human, Haze, LittleBig Planet, etc...  And year after year many were delayed and shipped much later then expected.  I have learned that the best way to be happy with Wii, 360, and PS3 consoles is to only get excited when the ship dates are on the table.  Before then you are just setting yourself up to be disappointed...  I'm sure most of us have experienced that this generation.

Simulacrum said:
Sardauk said:
Simulacrum said:
Oh well, had to happen. I'm not sure did make of trhead meant it to go this way..But then again if you would have googled Xbox 360 lineup or searched for 100 threads on this site..
XBOX 360 doesn't have right now in 2009 lineup anything interesting than Alan Wake and Halo. Fact!
Ofc Jprg:s coming to Europe is great thing.


I believe that MS makes fun of Sony by saying that they annouced the PS3 line-up, something like  one year in advance because they badly need to sell some consoles..which is more and more true (reminder GOW3 was already annouced last year with only a logo... ahaha what a joke!).

 In the meantime, MS is following a normal annoucement agenda (E3...) for the 360 games...

IMO, this PS3-fanboys-bad-joke about the 360 not having a good lineup for 2009 will be crushed after the annoucements of the E3 for the 360.

Fanboys eating PR-BS.... so low it is sad....

 You really made me laugh


The real funny thing is that no matter what is shown from MS at E3, he (and others like him) will probably hail it as the best thing around with the best graphics.  They will especially lose it, when MS announces a multiplatform game that was previously a PS exclusive. At that point, you will hear the "MS won E3" stuff.

Quick, someone put that paragraph in their sig line!  Watch it become true.


NeoRatt said:


- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST

Ninja Blade is a terrible game. I cant believe MS actually paid to have that exclusive.


and 2 Halo spin offs in 1 year? Ugh. I'm so sick of that series already.



"I don't have time to play video games anymore, but if I did, I would definitely choose the PlayStation 3 instead of the 360" - President Barack Obama

Around the Network
infamous8 said:
NeoRatt said:


- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST

Ninja Blade is a terrible game. I cant believe MS actually paid to have that exclusive.


and 2 Halo spin offs in 1 year? Ugh. I'm so sick of that series already.



So far, the 360 has had Halo Wars and Star Ocean IV and the PS3 has had Killzone 2 (games worth a damn)


Don't compare/insult/question the rest of the years lineup until you know exactly what is coming out.


But then you wouldn't get to troll would you?



^It's also had MLB2009, Yakuza 3 and Demons Souls, all 3 have had great reviews. They just haven't been released worldwide yet.


infamous8 said:
NeoRatt said:


- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST

Ninja Blade is a terrible game. I cant believe MS actually paid to have that exclusive.


and 2 Halo spin offs in 1 year? Ugh. I'm so sick of that series already.



You must be sick of God of war (3 games in 4 years if God of war III release this year) and Ratchet and Clank (1 game per year) too then


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infamous8 said:
NeoRatt said:


- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST

Ninja Blade is a terrible game. I cant believe MS actually paid to have that exclusive.


and 2 Halo spin offs in 1 year? Ugh. I'm so sick of that series already.




Judging by your posts it's pretty obvious you dont own a 360, and haven't played the games you claim to hate. Like seece said you're just a stealth troll and should be banned.

nojustno said:
infamous8 said:
NeoRatt said:


- Halo Wars
- Ninja Blade
- Halo: ODST

Ninja Blade is a terrible game. I cant believe MS actually paid to have that exclusive.


and 2 Halo spin offs in 1 year? Ugh. I'm so sick of that series already.




Judging by your posts it's pretty obvious you dont own a 360, and haven't played the games you claim to hate. Like seece said you're just a stealth troll and should be banned.

+1, if this thread stands then prepare for a lot of bans in the future when the reposte thread is formed after E3.

Also to answer the pathetic troll OP, there is plenty but I cannot go up against PS3 fanboys posting lists of such awesome titles they've never played and assume will actually be good.  I'm pretty sure I'll be happy enough with the 360 exclusive released this year.