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banned: early

Banned: I have to make a generic comment because the rate of posts seems to be pretty high at the moment and I don't want to be. Considering most of the people in this thread are spamming since this is more or less a spam thread used to augment ones post count, I will ban the previous user for doing just that. If they have any problems with that please contact me at my e-mail address, Thank you and have a pleasant day.

banned: ABNORMAL....

banned: weird\b\

Around the Network

Banned: Realizes I lied about my e-mail address being I obviously don't post at Neogaf because they have a screening process to get rid of potential spammers like me.

BANED: YOU KNOW IT...*looks at shirt* it says "Normal is over-rated" (XD)

banned for posting more than 6 words

Banned: I think you are pretty awesome so I am banning you to make myself appear cooler.

banned good point