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banned for making me realize that i have 10,185 more posts to go!

Around the Network

banned: will never make it! >_>

banned for realizing i could do it theoretically in 4 days.

2880 posts a day for 4 days straight gets me there (i'd have to post every 30 seconds though)

banned: CANT DO IT IN A took two years to get this post count

if i super no life it without coming across as a spammer by the mods-- it could be done

Around the Network

banned: Didnt ban me....SMART!

who could ban nfg :p you're a staple in the community

Banned: Thinks im a stapler............what!?!??!?!

banned: staple is a person who holds the community together and cannot be removed.

also banned because im starting my mass posting spree

Banned: should know im very bored....and there is nothing to do.....&*stretches*