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Banned for banning me over ten times

Nintendo is the best videogames company ever!

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banned for having 4 friends on vgchartz

banned for having me as a friend

Nintendo is the best videogames company ever!

Banned for having dolls for an avatar.

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

banned for going there

Around the Network

Banned for banning me for going to a certain place, wherever that was.

Member #50 of the Sonic Support Squad! :P

banned for killing baby cows every time you eat a hamburger

banned for being incorrect, it's veal

I regret making this my username, I made this name when I was 13 years old

Life could always get worse, you could be a mod for Neogaf

banned: i was thinking about the trauma a baby cow must go through after losing their mommies to mcdonalds. it kills them on the inside.

...but veal does taste so tender as well.

Banned for not having dolls in your avatar

Nintendo is the best videogames company ever!