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WTF NO FRICKIN WAY! i dont like nerds!!!!!!

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Banned for thinking I'm a nerd...also...for taking a joke as well as Glass Joe takes an uppercut

banned for being a sony fanboy

Banned cos I'm not a fanboy...I like Sony, but I have nothing against other consoles.

Around the Network

banned for being a fanbOY!!!

Banned for calling me a fanboy...again. Big Mistake.

banned for being a hypocrite

Banned because for's a waste of money. Wii Fit? Pff...I go to the gym. Wii sports? Pfff...I play tennis with friends for real dosent ring a bell with u

Banned for taking that sentence out of context...I play 360 at friends place all the time...and he plays PS3 at my place. Best of both worlds.

BANNED for being rite!!!

GEt a life D_BOY!!!!!