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BANNED FOR NOT WATCHING ANIME OR READING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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banned for beeing a little to obsesed with sasuke ._.

BANNED FOr not being obsessed with sasuke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

banned for pointing out the oBvious.


Around the Network

banned for not watching shippuden

banned for have owned a 2600


edit: stupid typos, i ment having have owned

Banned for being correct ;-;*cries* i dont liek their japanese voices. I WANNA HEAR THEIR ENGLISH VOICES!!!!!!!!!!Sasukes japanese voice is toooooooooooooooooooo deeeeeep!!!!

banned for liking dubs.

i allways like hearing a movie/animated movie in its original language, with english/spanish subtitles, i allways hated dubs, i dont care if their good or not XD

banned for saying stuff

Yea thats true but i dunno, i just like hearing sasukes english voice not the japanese one!!!! Oh yeah and naruto calls sakura an ugly whore ^_^!!!!!